Project Name: Solar-Driven Desalination by Membrane Distillation using Ceramic Membranes Location: Storrs, CT DOE Award Amount: $800,000 Awardee Cost Share: $332,088 Principal Investigator: Jeffrey McCutcheon Project Summary: This project will develop and test ceramic membranes for solar-driven membrane distillation (MD) systems for desalination. GlassPoint Brings Gigantic 850 MWth Solar EOR to California, Desert Solar to Fuel Centuries of Air Travel, All MENA CSP Now 7 Cents or Under Says ACWA Power, How CSP Works: Tower, Trough, Fresnel or Dish, Solar Can Make Carbon Neutral Aircraft Fuel from CO2 + H2O, How Solar Peaker Plants Could Replace Gas Peakers, CSP Doesn’t Compete With PV – it Competes with Gas, Program for the 2020 SolarPACES Conference is Now Online, SolarPACES 2020 Online Registration is Open, SolarPACES Conference, Deadlines and the COVID Pandemic, SolarPACES 2018 Proceedings Now Published with AIP, SolarPACES 2017 Conference Proceedings Now Published with AIP, October 2018: SolarPACES ExCo Selects a New Logo, New IEA Report: Renewable Energy for Industry, Balloons Test Environmental Safety of Advanced Solar Power Tower Tech, The Cerro Dominador CSP Project Has Synchronized to the Grid in Chile, New DOE Funding for CSP: Webinar April 12, SolarPACES Lifetime Award Winner Professor Valeriano Ruiz has passed away, Long Duration Energy Storage gets New R&D Lab in Biden’s DOE, March 1 Deadline for Sandia R&D Funding Awards for CSP Technologies, EuroTrough Helped Cut Ramp-Up Time of China’s 100 MW Urat CSP, Botswana is Now Looking for Bids to Build 200 MW of CSP, Long-duration Thermal Energy Storage Startup Azelio Wins First Commercial Order, Saudi Government Raises Ownership to Half of Global Solar Leader ACWA Power. How Has Spain’s Concentrated Solar Thermal Power Performed? Unlike most CSP, which is used to ultimately drive a steam turbine to generate electricity, in solar desalination the steam is used directly in a solar still to simply evaporate out the waste. Phase-change (or multi-phase) solar desalination includes multi-stage flash, multi-effect distillation (MED), and thermal vapor compression (VC). Cascading heating strategies are important for solar thermal desalination systems. Figure 11 shows a VC distillation process powered by concentrated solar energy. While a simple solar still is a way of distilling water by using the heat of the sun to drive evaporation from a water source and ambient air to cool a condenser film, a concentrated solar still uses a concentrated solar thermal collector to concentrate solar heat and deliver it to a multi-effect evaporation process for distillation, thus increasing the natural rate of evaporation. Copyright © 2021 Elsevier B.V. or its licensors or contributors. All Rights Reserved. At the same time, water scarcity is already a global problem which will become crucial during the first half of this century, seawater desalination often being the only alternative source for this element essential to life. For solar powered vapor compression desalination, saline water is heated by a solar collector and directed to a vessel where it flashes to vapor. SolarPACES (Solar Power and Chemical Energy Systems), International Affiliated SolarPACES Research Facilities, TASK III: Solar Technology and Advanced Applications, TASK IV: Solar Heat Integration in Industrial Processes, TASK V: Solar Resource for High Penetration and Large Scale Applications, TASK VI: Solar Energy and Water Processes and Applications, All Research Papers – SolarPACES Conference 2019, All Research Papers – SolarPACES Conference 2018, All Research Papers – SolarPACES Conference 2017, All Research Papers – SolarPACES Conference 2016, All Research Papers – SolarPACES Conference 2015, All Research Papers – SolarPACES Conference 2014, CSPD-COMISJO – Concentrating Solar Power and Desalination for Communities in Israel and Jordan, CONSOLI+DA – Consortium of Solar Research and Development. A Solar Process Like Gas Reforming Makes Green Hydrogen Cheaper, Designing Solar Furnaces to Make Biochars without Air Pollution, Start-Up VC Invests in Beam-Down Concentrator for Solar Fuel, Morocco Breaks New Record with 800 MW Midelt 1 CSP-PV at 7 Cents, VC-Funded Thermal “Battery” is Based on CSP Molten Salt Energy Storage, Make Carnot Batteries with Molten Salt Thermal Energy Storage in ex-Coal Plants, Study of Chile’s CSP Potential for Domestic Manufacturing, Shouhang and EDF to Test s-CO2 Cycle in Concentrated Solar Power, Australian Researchers Design a Solar Process for Algae-Derived Solar Fuel. How Much Land Would Solar Thermochemistry Need to make All Our Aviation Fuel? Q & A: DLR’s Christian Sattler on the Role of Solar Thermochemistry in Green Hydrogen Production, Researcher Pioneers Solar to Heat Crucial Steel Component. Top Steelmaker Tests Thermal Energy Storage in Slag Byproduct to Cut CO2, Researchers Test Solar to Cut CO2 in Cement Processing, Study Investigates Solar District Cooling Potential for Saudi Arabia. The challenges that ceramic membranes face … Climate Policy that Actually Works: How Morocco is Meeting its Clean Energy Goals. Any cookies that may not be particularly necessary for the website to function and is used specifically to collect user personal data via analytics, ads, other embedded contents are termed as non-necessary cookies. We'll assume you're ok with this, but you can opt-out if you wish. None of the presently discussed strategies include concentrating solar power (CSP) for seawater desalination within their portfolio of … It is com- In addition to all this, environmental considerations such as global warming will surely add significant pressure. In this scenario, renewable energies are rapidly increasing their contribution to the global mix, in which solar energy is clearly the one with highest potential. Hybrid Solar Concentrator System for Solar Desalination In the hybrid solar desalination application, the water coolant used for cooling the concentrated photovoltaic multijunction solar cells is used by the multi-effect distillation system. MED distillation process powered by concentrated solar energy [47]. The Ultra Lite 5 (UL5) is the most heavy-duty concentrated solar power construction of the Ultra-Lite Series, capable of withstanding harsh environmental conditions and high winds. "The benefit of using both CSP (concentrated solar power) and PV (photovoltaics) is that we can double the energy efficiency compared to existing thermal desalination systems that just use PV or CSP," said Kerri Hickenbottom, assistant professor of chemical and environmental engineering and principal investigator for the project. By continuing you agree to the use of cookies. Desalinations under concentrated solar flux, atmospheric and reduced pressures were performed. Solar desalination experiments were performed under atmospheric and reduced pressures. Artificial Vision Enables Solar Field Calibration Overnight, Eastern Morocco’s Concentrated Solar Power Potential Assessed, Researchers Reduce Intermittency in Solar Thermochemical Hydrogen Production, Path to a Booming Australian Solar Thermal Energy Market, Morocco’s Noor III Solar Tower CSP to Deliver Power by October, Scientists Test World’s First Solar Fuels Reactor for Night, Solar Heat to Make Power + Water for Namibia: Study, Particle Receivers to Get First Commercial Trial – in Saudi Arabia. Conventional solar desalination units are equipped with an inclined transparent condensing plate placed over a feedwater basin containing saline water. We use cookies to help provide and enhance our service and tailor content and ads. Trucks Transport Hot Particles Storing Energy 1 Kilometer for Multi-Tower CSP? The main goal of this paper is that achieve 1.48 US $/m 3 for LCOW (Levelized Cost of Water) and 0.016 US $/kWh th for LCOH (Levelized Cost of Heat). A reversible solar distillation system operating with a concentration ratio of 10 at the optimal absorber temperature of 507 K can achieve a maximum specific water production of ~166.3 gs−1m−2 as the recovery ratio (rr) approaches zero. Missing Link for Solar Hydrogen is… Ammonia? With the current strong development of solar energy projects around the world, concentrating solar power and desalination (CSP+D) could be the next significant technological breakthrough. Solar thermal desalination is a viable approach for sustainable water production. We also use third-party cookies that help us analyze and understand how you use this website. Such systems could potentially serve off-grid arid coastal areas to provide an efficient, low-cost water source. The HydroRevolutionSM plant will be an expansion of the demonstration plant operated by WaterFX™ in the Panoche District in 2013. Bokpoort Breaks a Solar Record – CSP Operating Round the Clock 13 Days: Nov 5 Webinar: Abengoa on Retrofitting CSP Plants for Intermittent Renewable Energy Storage, ATA Insights Webinar | CSP from Dusk to Dawn: Blueprint for 200 MW Tower, US DOE Announces Quarterfinalists in $9 Million Solar Desalination Prize, ACWA Power’s Bokpoort Sets New Production Record as South African Load-shedding Persists, Solar Heat for Cleaning Wastewater and Recovering Clean Water. California’s First Concentrated Solar Power Desalination Plant to Bring Freshwater to the Central Valley. These cookies will be stored in your browser only with your consent. Desalination of seawater from the Red Sea will be the major source of water supply, using solar-enhanced greenhouse technology from Britain’s Solar Water Plc. SkyFuel’s parabolic trough concentrating solar collector was installed in a trial of WaterFX’s new Aqua4™ solar thermal desalination technology. This website uses cookies to improve your experience. A team of engineers and scientists is developing a solar-powered desalination system to recover water from concentrated waste streams with maximum efficiency. To collect existing knowledge and experience on hybrid power and desalination plants for application to hybrid solar power and desalination plants of MW-size; To analyze and determine the main technological characteristics of hybrid solar power and desalination plants; To promote collaborative initiatives in specific assessment of technical and economic feasibility of hybrid solar power and desalination plants, and also identify potential follow-up demonstration case studies. For efficient integration of solar collectors with thermal desalination systems, it is critical to adopt appropriate heating configurations and control absorber temperatures, system recovery ratio, and system irreversibilities. These cookies do not store any personal information. Australian Researchers Assess the Commercial Viability of Solar Alumina Calcining, Promising Test Results for Molten Salts in Trough CSP, Industry Shares its Experience to Advance Next Generation CSP. A team of University of Arizona engineers and scientists is developing a solar-powered desalination system that combines several types of technologies – including concentrated solar power, photovoltaics and membrane distillation – to recover water from these … Reverse osmosis is one of the most common methods for purifying saline water, but the process produces limited results. Dr. Patricia Palenzuela is currently a project researcher in the Solar Desalination Unit at the Plataforma Solar de Almería-CIEMAT, the largest concentrating solar … Heat exchange area and heat transfer coefficient are important for design. Could China’s Global Grid Idea Help Grow CSP? Systems with irreversibilities (R = 0.001 K/kW or 0.005 K/kW) experience a decrease in the water production rate to 8.8 g s−1m−2 (rr = 51.4%) and 1.9 g s−1m−2 (rr = 65.2%). The concentrated solar still is capable of … In this paper, an advanced desalination process system, based on multiple-effect distillation (MED), is presented that provides a two-fold improvement in first-law (thermal) efficiency and minimizes the dependence on water-intensive power sources by consuming solar thermal power directly as its primary energy source. It is accomplished by using phase change materials (PCMs) to maximize latent heat storage and … The Solar Desalination Prize is a competition designed to accelerate the development of systems that use low-cost solar-thermal energy to produce clean water from very-high-salinity water, like water produced from oil and gas extraction. An endo-reversible heat engine model was formulated to consider system irreversibilities. Desalination under reduced pressure showed significant performance improvement. SolarPACES Award Winner Vast Solar Plans a 50MW 24/7 Australian Solar Project, China Wins First CSP for Hydro-Rich Zambia as Drought Increases, ATA Webinar July 30: The Present and Future of CSP and Thermal Storage from the European Perspective, IEA Clean Energy Transitions Summit Convenes 80% of Global Emitters Online July 9th CEST, World’s First Utility-Scale Molten Salt Fresnel CSP Plant Connects to China’s Grid, Spain’s First CSP to Get Novel Thermal+Electric Storage Retrofit, Switzerland’s International Airport to Buy Synhelion’s First Solar Fuel, Applications Open for US DOE $9 Million Solar Thermal Desalination Prize, COVID Pandemic Announcement: SolarPACES Conference, California Looks for Long-Duration Renewable Energy Storage Contracts for 2026, Online Conference April 1-2: World Bank MENA Concentrating Solar for Power and Heat, Generation from Spain’s Existing 2.3 GW of CSP Showing Steady Annual Increases, China’s Supcon Achieves Over 105% of Projected Output in 24/7 Solar, Concentrated Solar Heat to Desalinate Seawater at Saudi Neom City, Real-Time Sky Imaging Cameras to Speed Up CSP Response Time, Sener Offers to Expand its CSP as South Africa’s Coal Plant Blackouts Continue, Evening Peak Solar CSP Projected to Undercut Gas in Chile’s Open Auctions, Bill Gates Funds A Second Concentrated Solar Thermal Startup: Heliogen, Got Ideas on How to Commercialize sCO2 With CSP? Concentrating Solar Power and Desalination Plants, 100 GWh of Long Duration Energy Storage from MIT, For 100% Renewables, DOE Speeds-up Storage Policy. Which is the Most Efficient Way to Make Solar Fuels from Methane? Necessary cookies are absolutely essential for the website to function properly. The concentrated solar power field regularly takes a pounding from critics concerned about high costs and excess complexity, but the US Energy Department continues to be a fan. Copyright © 2020 SolarPACES. Researchers Seek Best s-CO2 Solar Desalination from Waste Heat, How Three Novel Technologies Trialled in the US Will Cut CSP Cost, Study: CSP Will Help China Cut Costs of Climate Action. Current thermal desalination technologies suffer from high specific energy consumption and energy mismatch. This website uses cookies to improve your experience while you navigate through the website. A completely passive solar-powered desalination system developed by researchers at MIT and in China could provide more than 1.5 gallons of fresh drinking water per hour for every square meter of solar collecting area. The author pointed out that the integration with the parabolic trough resulted in increasing the yield by 676% and 45.5% reduction in the cost per liter. TuNur CEO Kevin Sara: Why Invest in Concentrating Solar Power? Could Congress Commission a Government Agency Like WAPA to Build CSP? In the latest development, the agency is prepping to announce a funding opportunity aimed at using advanced solar thermal technology to drive the cost of water … For this goal, the paper sugg Aalborg CSP to Retrofit Coal Plants into Thermal Energy Storage, MIT Proposes PV to Discharge Energy from 2,400°C Silicon Thermal Storage, First-of-its-Kind Experiment with Liquid Metals in Thermocline Energy Storage at Karlsruhe, HelioHeat Commercializes the DLR 1000°C Solar Receiver CentRec®, TEXEL Explores US Market for 2-Cent Thermal Energy Storage in Metal Hydrides, To Make Green Ammonia, US Researchers Design a Novel Solar Process, CEMEX and Synhelion to Demo Zero CO2 Cement, In South Africa and Spain, CSP is Meeting or Exceeding Projected Operation Targets, Aalborg CSP Cuts Tubing Costs up to 42% with an Asymmetric Receiver, At the SolarPACES Conference, Heliogen Introduces Solar Heat at 1 cent/kWh, Xavier Lara on How Spain’s Q4 Auction Can Achieve the 5 GW of CSP it Wants, Where Very Hot Solar Thermochemistry Research is Today: What’s Needed Next, Spanish Start-up Innovates Solar Steam Modules for Industries. A solar desalination system composed of a tubular solar still integrated with a parabolic trough concentrator and solar tracking system has been reported by Elashmawy (2017). What are the Pros and Cons of Longer Solar Contracts? Using concentrating solar thermal power (CSP) plants to power seawater desalination either by electricity or in com- bined generation with process steam to solve the water … The UL5 is a mid-size concentrator suitable for ground mount and roof mount on commercial/industrial buildings rated to take the gravity and wind loads. Concentrating Solar Power for Seawater Desalination MENAREC 4, Damascus, Syria, June 20-24, 2007 - 2 - New, unconventional sources of water must be found, and possible solutions range from the transport of freshwater to MENA by tanker ships to seawater desalination [2], [3]. Solar desalination is a renewable energy-driven method that produces freshwater from saline/brackish water. Press release - Credible Markets - Global Concentrated Solar Power Market to Grow at Robust 9.5% CAGR during 2020-2027, Rising Demand for Desalination Drives Growth - … During the coming decades, the oil era will come to an end, and it is not yet clear today which source of energy will replace it. But opting out of some of these cookies may have an effect on your browsing experience. Out of these cookies, the cookies that are categorized as necessary are stored on your browser as they are essential for the working of basic functionalities of the website. water desalination as part of a solution to the water crisis usually propose nuclear fission and fusion as indispensable option. Can California Really Meet its 100% Clean Energy Target? Solar thermal desalination performance is susceptible to low recovery ratios. Therefore, the integration of solar desalination in solar thermal power plants makes complete sense as it is extremely probable that anywhere there is high enough solar radiation to justify a CSP plant, water would be a more valuable and necessary product than power. The end of life phase was neglected because previous studies on the end of life phase's impact of concentrated solar power (CSP) plants and thermal desalination plants indicated the minimal impact of this phase (Raluy et al 2005, Heath et al 2011). Concentrating solar collectors operate with high temperature energy and desalination systems operate with low temperature energy which leads to large exergy destruction. Concentrating solar thermal desalination: Performance limitation analysis and possible pathways for improvement, It is mandatory to procure user consent prior to running these cookies on your website. In a context of an oncoming energy crisis due to the end of the oil era, water problems are expected to substantially worsen. Energy consumption ranges from 200 to 300 kWh/m 3. Fred Morse: Go from Lowest Cost to Best Fit for a 100% Carbon Free Grid, At Synhelion, Solar Jet Fuels Get Ready for Take-off, Developers and Utilities Mull Solar Storage for a 100% Clean Energy Southwest, A New Way to Dry Cool Solar Thermal Power Plants – with Underground Air, Clean Tech Investment Challenge in Commercializing Innovations like HELIOtube, Irrigation Water Can First be Used to Cool a Solar Thermal Power Project, “Star” Receiver Could Cut Tower CSP Cost 11%, Brightsource Innovates a Solar-cured Coating for DEWA Tower CSP, A Novel CSP Heliostat Goes from Lab to Market in Just 5 Years, NREL Awarded $2.8 Million to Develop a Long-Duration Thermal Energy Storage Technology, Rebirth of SolarReserve’s 450 MW Likana Brings CSP Supply Chain Hope for Chile, Sodium-based Vast Solar Combines the Best of Trough & Tower CSP to Win our Innovation Award, Japan and Australia Test Solar Hydrogen Component, MENA Region Industries Could Heat for Less with Solar, Q&A: How Risk Mitigation Finance Can Cut CSP Costs, Novel CSP Design Combines the Solar Receiver with Thermal Energy Storage, Add Hydrogen Combustion to a Solar Reactor for Carbon-Free Mining and Mineral Processing.
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