The opening book of the Bible tells us: "A man will leave his father and his mother and he must stick to his wife and they must become one flesh." What is the etymology of the suffix -aster, -astri? Usually, it's easy to tell whether a word has Latin or German ancestry. And yet none of what I read is correct. The etymology of the word “DOM” can be derived from the word “DON”. This would lead me to think that the word, Don't be misled by the term "Germanic" into thinking that this language (the ancestor of English, German, Dutch, Swedish, etc.) Welcome! Mommy, Mama, Mom, Daddy, Dada, Dad, Papa, Pappy, et alia, The Surprisingly Plausible Theory that the Pyramids were Poured from Ancient Concrete, The Absolute Legend That was Timothy Dexter- First in the East and West and Greatest Philosopher in the Western World, The Curious Case of Radioactive Apartments. (Matthew 19:4 NKJV). It took us a long time to figure out why she was pointing to a certain kitchen cabinet and yelling “Mimi!” Boy were we all relieved when we finally figured out what she wanted. What does it mean for a game to be a skinner box? Our employee is coming earlier and earlier at her workplace, which is our home, Sci-fi story: they put humans in missiles/rockets. I KNEW that linguistics degree would come in handy one day! Even the Oxford English Dictionary has admitted that they have “no evidence” on where the word “dad” originated. All the meanings and the dating back this and can’t believe that it’s so widely used and spelled the same way in so many country’s etc. So: First time poster here. My father was a strong influence on me. Because, I imagine it”s too embarrassing, for anyone, to end the day calling your Parents “Uncle Daddy and Auntie Mommy”. For example, if you wanted to address your mother in Dutch you’d say “moeder”, if you were to travel to Germany on the other hand you’d call her “mutter” while over in Italy you’d refer to her as, “madre”. Now we know what you’re thinking, those are all European languages. What Happens in the Real World if You Find a Buried Treasure? 1764. There is no such precise theory for why the word “dad” was specifically chosen (presumably from “dada”), but this lack of a good reason to assign “dada” to male parents over other variations like “papa”, “tata”, “baba”, etc. The word “father” also has connections to the following ancient languages: Latin: P ater, Ancient Greek: πατήρ (patēr), and … Mother definition: Your mother is the woman who gave birth to you. site design / logo © 2021 Stack Exchange Inc; user contributions licensed under cc by-sa. Pre-Babylonian civilizations recognized Tiamat, mother earth. (Actually, Wasser also goes back to PIE—Latin just happens to have a different word for it. To mark Father's Day, language expert Paul Anthony Jones explains the surprising history of 10 words you probably didn't know were derived from 'father' In linguistics, mama and papa are considered a special case of false cognates. From the old word, the different derivations came out, and the word mother is prevalent among many cultures today. The German and Latin words are its cousins, not parents. For sense evolution, cf. All those countries you listed for “mama” are either european, or colonial influenced, with the exception of Egypt. 2. The easiest way to think of it is that Latin and German are related from the same ancestor, Proto-Indo-European, which had the words * meH₂tér- and * pH₂tér-. The word mother originated from Old English modor. is perhaps why there is such variation on this one in terms of which repeated consonant is used to go along with the a’s in a given culture. This time I chose “*méh₂tēr”, the word that eventually would become the English “mother”. Several English words have Irish as their source, even if Webster’s does not note it as such yet.. “Mother” is an old word with roots in Old English (modor) and Proto-German (mothær). Arthur Wellesley, Duke of Wellington. It’s usually less complex to say than the parent’s real names and works as a substitute that ultimately sticks. As with so many etymologies, where these words were first uttered and by whom is a mystery. It has also been noted that during the babbling stage, babies will create what is known as “protowords” by combining nonsensical combinations of consonants and vowels. Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment. I decided to let the people choose not to discard mine although yours is more thorough. Stack Exchange is a bit more structured than a typical forum, to help ensure that questions and answers are directly related, for the benefit of future readers. reflects widespread phonetic shift in Middle English that turned -der to -ther in many words, perhaps reinforced in this case by Old Norse forms; spelling caught up to pronunciation in 1500s (compare mother (n.), weather (n.), hither, gather). The first words spoken. Is a trimmed flight not always an unstable system? So we’ve kept it. The words can be traced back to the 1500s for “dad” and the 1800s for “mom”. You are a unique individual. Water ("wasser") clearly comes from German, whereas aquatic ("aqua") clearly comes from Latin. The image is interesting and illuminates a phenomenon that is the key to this question, so don't want to remove it. Eventually, PIE split into several language families, one of which was Italic (and included Latin) and one of which was Germanic (and included German). Mary Salome is called Salome either from her husband or her village. I thought that Saxon tribes brought the Germanic language to modern-day England. U Moor. Some affirm that she is the same as Mary of Cleophas because she had two husbands. The influence of a mother in the lives of her children is beyond calculation. They're both Germanic languages, descending from Proto-Germanic which descends from PIE. Its the first words a Russian baby speaks. It's neat that the words "mother" and "father" are so ancient, and that so many people throughout history have referred to their parents in a similar way. Latin etymology of the English word “pulchritude”. Why are the Latin and German words for "mother" and "father" so similar? Plurality in "A second set of motors [is/are] attached there"? Why Are ‘Mama’ and ‘Dada’ a Baby’s First Words? In many languages of the world, sequences of sounds similar to /mama/ and /papa/ mean Turtle Island of the Hopi indians is a female. @JoonasIlmavirta: one major theory is that it’s not coincidental at all, but that it’s because these words are replaced. If Mama came first, the father is the mother and the son is the father, so at the beginning and end of the day everything ties/ankhs back to Amma/matar/dark matter/the most high seas. How many of Latin words became part of English and Spanish? In native languages it can vary to words like “Nnem”. In Nigeria, people call their mothers “Mma” but this is because of colonial english. n mother That which has given birth to anything; source of anything; generatrix. Latin Language Stack Exchange is a question and answer site for linguists, teachers, and students wanting to discuss the finer points of the Latin language. Mama is the brightest, purest, holiest, whitest, most glorious being in all of existence. I do not have the corresponding image for "mother" or "father", but the idea is the same: "two" does not come from the Latin duo or German zwei, but they all come from the same word in PIE. (‘no evidence’). To learn more, see our tips on writing great answers. Mamma. The Latin equivalent is "mater" and "pater", and the German equivalent is "Vater" and "Mutter". With the divergence of this word around the globe and trough the centuries, it’s meaning also started to change somewhat in … So let’s mix things up a bit and list the words for mom or mother in some more, shall we say, “exotic” languages, from an English speaker’s point of view, and see if you start to notice a pattern: As you can clearly see from this list, there’s a very peculiar trend with “mom” in various languages in that it’s nearly universally pronounced with an “m” sound. From this word, we also got the word “mammalia” and later “mammal” to describe animals that suckle their young. This leads me to ask a couple questions. The etymology of the word itself is murky, ... astrologer and "father of toxicology." How to change the dot of the letter "i" to another character? Simple as that. @PeterLeFanuLumsdaine, that is very interesting, thanks! Louis-Marie-Hilaire Bernigaud, French chemist, inventor of rayon. If you’re still not convinced or think that we’re perhaps cherry picking examples, here’s a pretty exhaustive list of ways to say “mother” in a number of languages for you to peruse at your leisure. MaMU. It might be that important words like these are less likely to be replaced than some other ones. If you liked this article, you might also enjoy our new popular podcast, The BrainFood Show (iTunes, Spotify, Google Play Music, Feed), as well as: This page has translation of ‘mother’ to 171 languages, some with pronounciation audio:, SEEING THE TITLE, I STARTED READING IT PERFUNCTORILY GUESSING IT WILL B A BORE, BUT TURNED OUT A VERY INTERESTING AND ILLUMINATING READ. As with so many etymologies, where these words were first uttered and by whom is a mystery. Mahalath's father is Jerimoth, son of David, and Abihail is a descendant of Eliab, son of Jesse. Even with different languages, the word mother, especially the informal form mommy or mama, is common in different countries throughout … How does the notion of 'limpidity' explain the etymology of 'liquidated' in 'liquidated damages'? Is the ancestry of "mother" and "father" Latin or German? How to remove a Screw or bolt fastened with metal epoxy. This is an interesting graphic, but it doesn't really answer the question asked. 1830. Etymology and pronunciation of words ending in “-iasis”. Where did it come from and perhaps, more curiously, is there any culture that forgoes this seemingly universal nickname custom for parental figures? Crossword Answers for "Related to the father and/or mother" Added on Thursday, July 12, 2018 . Mom and Dad in Welsh is Mam and Tad. Spelling with -th-(15c.) What is meant by Low Bias and High Variance of the Model? Not every calls their parents “mom” and “dad”. The top names meaning father are Abigail and Abraham and their many variations. @ktm5124, it is indeed neat, but I wonder if it's coincidental. 1 timothy 1 9 it is to this well recognized theory of parental authority and supremacy that the very various uses of the term father in scripture are due. What Those Nasty White Chunks That Sometimes Come From Your Throat Are, The Difference Between a Fact and a Factoid, Marilyn Monroe was Not Even Close to a Size 12-16, A Japanese Soldier Who Continued Fighting WWII 29 Years After the Japanese Surrendered, Because He Didn’t Know. For example, the word “Papa” is present in several languages including Russian, Hindi, Spanish and English, while slight variations on it appear in German (Papi), Icelandic (Pabbi), Swedish (Pappa) and a number of other languages across the globe. ; that of "anything that gives rise to … This, in turn, can be traced back to Latin where “mamma” meant “breast” or “teat”. (Thanks again to @TKR for the correction.). What is the name of an IP prefix with prefix length 31? U R Ama/Ama U R. Amaru. Like the english difference between mother and mom, or father and dad…. Mary, mother of James the Less and Joseph, wife of Alphaeus, was the sister of Mary the mother of the Lord, whom John names of Cleophas, either from her father or from the family of the clan, or for some other reason. Polish and Czech, for example, come from a common source, Etymology of English words “mother” and “father”,, Find knowledge faster: New Articles features, Testing three-vote close and reopen on 13 network sites, We're switching to system fonts on May 10, 2021, Moderator candidates answer your questions, 2021 Moderator Election: Nominee suggestions, On the etymology of “discipulus” and “disciplina”. ETYMOLOGY PAGE – The origin of the words “marriage” and “marriage” and what they say. Etymology 1 from middle english dadd dadde of uncertain origin. In Japanese, Parents are called haha (mother) and chichi (father). (Genesis 2:24 NKJV) Jesus confirmed that those yoked together in marriage should be "male and female." I only hope I could give your comment more than just an upvote. It would seem so. n mother A familiar appellation or term of address of an old or elderly woman. 1878. Why do some words from Latin have an English V and others not? Required fields are marked *. 1867, American English, perhaps a shortening of mommy; also see mamma. Not surprisingly, anglocentric Oxford ignore Wales and anything Welsh as being ifluential as usual. Dad comes from the Irish word Daidi (“Daddy”). I took the liberty to edit your answer a little. (The asterisks mean that we have no evidence of the existence of those words, but working backwards from the languages we do have evidence of, we can say with some confidence that they probably existed.) So is there any culture in which this nicknaming practise isn’t observed? Your email address will not be published. Conversely, the child’s father does not carry the same root word since he is absent from the child’s life for longer periods of time, working and fighting wars. How to smoothly move down in Z-index a curved object. How unique is the name Mother? Can top level domains disappear if countries cease to exist / malfunction? Is the ancestry of "mother" and "father" Latin or German? In Bulgaria the word tatko is used informally for father, i thought “Dad” was derived from Dagda.. the male aspect of Danu in early Celtic culture.
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