I went: 'Who is this? You have to think about the character. Scoprite il piano di Gerard Butler per salvare il pianeta in “Greenland”, il film diretto da Ric Roman Waugh dall’8 ottobre al cinema con Universal Pictures e Lucky Red. La parte di Eli, figlio di Zack Snyder. Asked why Ritchie cast Butler in the lead role, product Susan Downey said, "Guy saw Gerry in 300, and just fell in love with his abs and decided to cast him in our movie." Gerard Butler: Instagram, Facebook e Twitter. Before his final year of law school, Butler took a year off to live in California. Divides his time between Los Angeles, Malibu, and New York. La sua città natale è Paisley, vicino Glasgow, in Scozia. He campaigned for the role of Bruce Wayne/Batman in Batman v Superman: Dawn Of Justice (2016) and was among the actors considered. You can't do that, that's too much pride. Una delle sue proprietà, in California, è stata però distrutta dall’incendio di Woolsey nel 2018: l’attore l’ha prima ricostruita e poi, stando ad alcune fonti web, l’ha messa in affitto circa un anno fa. Gerard Butler, pur essendo un stella del cinema, non è molto attivo sui social. Gerard spent some of his very early childhood in Montreal, Quebec, but was mostly raised, along with his older brother and sister, in his hometown of Paisley. I don't know what it was. Gerard spent some of his very early childhood in Montreal, Quebec, but was mostly raised, along with his older brother and sister, in his hometown of Paisley. He also starred in P.S. Because you have to realize the extent to which I went for 300. Last year, he appeared in Andrew Lloyd Webber's musical, The Phantom of the Opera (2004), playing the title character in the successful adaptation of the stage musical. Nel cast Gerard Butler, Jim Sturgess. Was chosen as the most attractive man of 2005 by Hello! La sua descrizione nel profilo ufficiale … Gerhard esordì nei Gran Premi alla fine del 1984 con la ATS motorizzata BMW turbo. Gerard Butler protagonista Nella tana dei lupi va in onda oggi, 6 settembre 2020, su Rai 3 a partire dalle 21.20. Was at one time the lead singer for a Scottish rock band named Speed, although music eventually became his second love after acting. It's tough. Was unable to book a professional acting job for the first two years of his career. Il tuo indirizzo email non sarà pubblicato. It's about visualizing your taut body on screen after many such mindless training sessions. How cool is that.' Quello di protagonista ne Il fantasma dell’Opera del 2004 e quello di Leonida in 300, grande successo del 2007, ancora oggi sono due tra i film di Gerard Butler più amati. [on how building up an intimidating physique was important for, [on wanting to stun audiences with his sculpted physique in, [on inspiring and motivating people with his performance and physique in, [on his irritation when people claimed his body in, [on the extreme physical conditioning he wanted to achieve for, [on ever trying to match his physical transformation on, [on enjoying his physique while it lasted for the first, [on what he was trying to achieve with his physique in, [on how constantly showing off his body helped his performance in, [on being asked if his famous six-pack abs in, [on being asked if film-makers CGIed in his abs for, [on looking like a Greek god yet feeling like an old man during the making of, [on wanting to physically impress his co-stars inn the film, [on the trying to achieve a different kind of shape for, [on when he refused to reprise his iconic role in the sequel to. D i questo passo Gerard Butler ce lo ricorderemo solo per gli addominali visti – e sognati – in 300, un film di quasi 15 anni fa.Eppure come scordarli. Geostorm in onda su Italia 1 oggi, 05 maggio, dalle 21.20. Se hai già un account su Oggi o su un sito RCS (Corriere, Gazzetta, ... Mariah Carey, Gerard Butler e gli altri: Hollywood non si ferma mai… Leggi - Foto - Video. Greenland: Gerald Butler contro gli asteroidi Sono passati più di venti anni da quando un paio di meteoriti hanno cercato di distruggere la Terra, per qui ecco arrivarne uno che in realtà non è quello che sembra e coglie impreparata la popolazione mondiale, lasciando solo quarantotto ore di … Has done five films in which his character's name is in the title: Cried while talking about the Phantom's loneliness to. Gerard James Butler (born 13 November 1969) is a Scottish actor and film producer. I've done it too many times now. He stated in an interview, before finally quitting drinking at age 27, that his wild drinking antics would involve smashing bottles over his own head, running in front of cars, and he once woke up in Paris, miles from where he'd been at a party, covered in gashes and blood and, to this day, he has no idea what happened in that incident. Questo nonostante gli siano state attribuite storie e flirt con alcune delle donne più belle del mondo: Jasmine Burgess, Rosario Dowson, Naomi Campbell, Lindsay Lohan, Cameron Diaz, Jennifer Aniston, Goga Ashkenazi, Martina Rajic e Lizzie Cundy. Gerard James Butler (Paisley, 13 novembre 1969) è un attore e produttore cinematografico scozzese. Oggi la nostra vip-watcher con le pupille a forma di cuore analizza il triangolo amoroso tra Madalina Ghenea, Gerard Butler e Michael Fassbender. No. La carriera di Gerard Butler inizia, dopo qualche esperienza teatrale, nel 1997 con i film La mia regina e Il domani non muore mai. He played for them in 2011, in a charity match against Manchester United. So I would pretty much walk around and go to the post office and lift my shirt and point to it and say 'Hello look. [on whether he would show his 300 shape for Law Abiding Citizen] Every time I have a new film out, people ask me, are you going to show your 300 six-pack in this movie. He was president of the school's law society thanks to his outgoing personality and great social skills.His acting career began when he was approached in a London coffee shop by actor Steven Berkoff, who later appeared alongside Butler in Attila (2001), who gave him a role in a stage production of "Coriolanus" (later, Butler played Tullus Aufidius in a big screen Coriolanus (2011). Il tuo indirizzo email non sarà pubblicato. I didn't recognize my face, and I didn't recognize my soul. Check out my six-pack. And I always say no. I mean my six-pack in 300 is so pronounced and kinda sticking out. In recent years, he has appeared in films such as Gods of Egypt (2016), Geostorm (2017), Den of Thieves (2018), The Vanishing (2018) and Hunter Killer (2018). I always felt that that was his kind of form of escape, in a way. It was a role that brought him much international attention. Gerard Butler foto attore scena inedite dietro quinte set poster copertina locandina cinema americano italiano tv notizie recensioni Butler went on to attend Glasgow University, where he studied to be a lawyer/solicitor. Gerard Butler, Actor: 300. The role that garnered him the most attention from both moviegoers and movie makers, alike, was that of "Andre Marek" in the big-screen adaptation of Michael Crichton's novel, Timeline (2003). Gerard Butler più affascinante che mai a Malibu.L’attore è apparso in grande forma mentre si fermava ad una stazione di servizio per rifornire di benzina il suo camion venerdì pomeriggio in California.Guarda le foto e scopri se è single! A sense of humor. Attila's producers, thinking that his big-screen role might help with their own film's ratings, finished shooting a little early so he could get to work on Dracula 2000 (2000). 1. He received a Certificate of Bravery from the Royal Humane Society. When they smile, they really smile. I lose the main point of my focus. All’epoca l’attore aveva 38 anni e ha dovuto ottenere un aspetto scultoreo per poter recitare, così come richiedevano la sceneggiatura ed il fumetto da cui era stata tratta, quasi per tutto il tempo a dorso nudo e nel ruolo di uno spartano impegnato in guerra. Identificata la misteriosa brunetta con cui fa coppia fissa da qualche mese. Come pensare che un’interpretazione così riuscita, frutto di un allenamento in palestra che giusto se ti pagano in milioni di dollari qualcuno si metterebbe a fare, possa essere messa in ombra da altri film. Glenn Close, chi è: film e programmi televisivi, età, Oscar, Robert De Niro, chi è: età, origini, moglie e figli, patrimonio. Gerard spent some of his very early childhood in Montreal, Quebec, but was mostly raised, along with his older brother and sister, in his hometown of Paisley. I was really trying to make it as noticeable as possible, almost drawing attention to it in a way. Oggi i disaster movie hanno ancora qualcosa da dire? I took a sip and went to the toilet and threw up and said: 'That's it'. I guess I try to be more sensitive to my private life - to take a breath of fresh air and be in the countryside or on a golf course. Gerard Butler e l’incidente in moto. Farmacie di comunità sildenafil 25 mg prezzo in farmacia, che valuta cialis. Prima di quel film aveva però già recitato in 17 lungometraggi, tra i quali Il giardino dei ciliegi di Kakogiannis, Timeline Ai confini del tempo di Donner e soprattutto Il fantasma dell’opera di Joel Schumacher. No. Gerard Butler non ha esitato a definire “La cosa più difficile che abbia dovuto affrontare nella mia vita” l’allenamento al quale si è sottoposto ad ottenere il fisico necessario a recitare in 300. Questo è il bollettino di oggi 2 maggio 2021 per Gerard Butler. I can seriously go into my own head and often love to let myself travel where I don't know where I'm going. Sfoglia gallery. It's embarrassing.'. Gerard Butler Opens Up About the Emotional Process of Rebuilding His Home After California Wildfire. In 2000, Butler was cast in two breakthrough roles, the first being "Attila the Hun" in the USA Network mini-series, Attila (2001). Ora, Gerard è diventato una vera star , e divide la sua carriera tra ruoli drammatici come quello in P.S. Gerard Butler, ecco chi è la sua nuova fidanzata. Prefers to be called Gerry. Later he played Tullus Aufidius in the, On the first day of shooting his film debut in, Graduated from Glasgow University with a law degree. He has quickly gained a reputation as one of the nicest actors around, as he always takes time to socialize with fans and hangs out with crew members as much as co-stars on film sets. He has also mentioned that, because of this, his family does not have a tartan. [on getting in to shape again and again for his movie roles] I was ridiculous in. On acting: Just make them feel something, because I think so many of us, including myself, spend too much time not feeling enough, you know? I miei amici mi chiamano Gerry”. Often all I want to do is travel and just get the hell out of there. 'No one is bringing me lunch anymore - I've got to go do that myself?' He and three others were filming a scene for. When they stare, they really stare. But it was right for 300 and Leonidas and I am proud of what I achieved there but it is not right for Clyde. His parents divorced when he was a child, and he and his siblings were raised primarily by their mother, who later remarried. Worked in a variety of jobs including a waiter, a telemarketer and a demonstrator of how toys work at fairs between acting roles. That was months and months of just training like a madman. At that time I decided I am never going to do it again. CAA, Other Works Fin quasi a far affiorare il sospetto di un erotismo omosessuale sottopelle. Ironically, even though Butler was cast for his abs, he did not actually get a chance to show off his abs in the movie as he had no shirtless scenes. Nel 2017 Butler ha avuto un brutto incidente a Los Angeles mentre era alla guida della sua motocicletta dove ha riportato una serie di fratture ai piedi. Around the time "Attila" was being filmed, casting was in progress for Wes Craven's new take on the "Dracula" legacy. What's happened to you?' 2 would be a little movie I made many years ago called Dear Frankie. [The 3 things that an actor leads to be a leading man action star] A six-pack. [on how he kept himself motivated while working out for movie roles] There's nothing more mindless than lifting weights. I was very very proud of my body. He felt he only did what anyone in the situation would have done.His film career continued with small roles, first in the "James Bond" movie, Tomorrow Never Dies (1997), and then Russell Mulcahy's Tale of the Mummy (1998). But it's not about one [isolated] training session. He was cast as Ewan McGregor's character "Renton" in the stage adaptation of Trainspotting. | Sometimes I finish a movie and I get used to a certain lifestyle and when that stops I get a bit lost for about a week. (On the last time he drank alcohol at age 27) I was in Camden (England) and I had a crazy experience with these two sisters whom I was friends with from Glasgow, and we'd been out one night, and one of the sisters just went nuts. There's a part of you that wants to pull that off again. Lara Croft Tomb Raider: The Cradle of Life, The Chronicles of Narnia: The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe, View agent, publicist, legal and company contact details on IMDbPro. Jokes about preferring the mask side of his face to the regular side of his face. But I'm actually boring really. Ha avuto love story anche con Shanna Moakler, Brandi Glanville, Morgan Brown e Madalina Ghenea. I heard some backroom chatter about another. He had to lose the thick Scottish accent, but managed well. Condividi su. Sticky Studios ha rilasciato un videogioco omonimo in collaborazione con Apple che mantiene la stessa premessa del film, ma segue una trama alternativa con tre persone che raccolgono dati sulla Terra per localizzare un satellite canaglia. After studying law, Butler turned to acting in the mid-1990s with small roles in productions such as Mrs Brown (1997), the James Bond film Tomorrow Never Dies (1997), and Tale of the Mummy (1998). È il protagonista del film in onda stasera in tv su Italia1 Giustizia privata. And No. Gerard Butler: i film e la carriera. Trama e curiosità sul film. - IMDb Mini Biography By: This is not who I am or where I should be'. Butler played an archaeologist who was sent back in time with a team of students to rescue a colleague. Da Lumiere ai film di oggi al cinema un database di trailer in continua espansione e sempre aggiornato. His family is of Irish origin. I see a lot of actors for whom life becomes one big schedule. “Greenland” e Gerard Butler. He has a legal degree from Glasgow University, but gave up on that career after being fired from a law firm just one week before he was qualified to practice law. 3 aggiornamenti sono stati effettuati durante l'ultimo minuto. On his new acting career: "[During] some of the most miserable periods of my life, people thought I was very happy. [on his family back home in Scotland] I go home and they'll cook Christmas dinner, and she's like, 'C'mon, give a hand, come on, wash the dishes or put the dishes away.' His next films included The Ugly Truth (2009), co-starring Katherine Heigl, which began filming in April 2008, The Bounty Hunter (2010), How to Train Your Dragon (2010), Chasing Mavericks (2012) and Olympus Has Fallen (2013). Twight ammise, alla fine delle riprese, di aver spinto gli attori oltre ogni limite contemplabile. Se hai già un account su Oggi o su un sito RCS (Corriere, Gazzetta, IoDonna) ... Gerard Butler con la fidanzata, Caitlyn Jenner fa la star: la dolce vita dei vip Leggi - Foto. His name is not pronounced, like the typical Gerard, with a long "A". A Monza arriva al sesto posto ma non gli viene assegnato il punto in classifica, in quanto il team aveva dichiarato all'inizio della stagione di schierare solamente il compagno di Berger, Winkelhock. Also wanting a known name, Butler wasn't much of a consideration, but his unending tenacity drove him to hounding the producers. I did work out for this and you will see my abs, but not like in 300. And now that I'm actually happier, I don't have to show it. You've got to move on and it's a shame because there's a part of you that thinks, 'I was so attached to that movie and its success and what it meant to me.' The film's producers wanted a known actor to play the part but kept coming back to Butler's screen tests and decided he was their man. Do il mio consenso affinché un cookie salvi i miei dati (nome, email, sito web) per il prossimo commento. Evidently, they saw something because Dracula 2000 (2000) was cast in the form of Butler. I woke up the next morning and looked in the mirror and didn't recognize myself. Did not see his father from the age of 2 until he turned 16. Official Sites, Often protrays men facing difficult situations. "Ger" is pronounced like 'chair', with the "ard" pronounced like 'errd'. Magazine. [on the masculinity of UK actors] It's that deep voice, the intensity, the gravitas. Il notiziario viene creato dal nostro algoritmo di classificazione automatica di testi con le ultimissime novità dai quotidiani e le agenzie di stampa online italiane. His film debut was as Billy Connolly's younger brother in Mrs. Brown (1997). È stato poi protagonista della serie di tre film di Attacco al potere, ma ha anche alternato ruoli in commedie come Il cacciatore di ex, non abbandonando mai però ruoli in film di rappresentazioni epiche e storiche (Coriolanus, Gods of Egypt). Negli ultimi 10 anni Gerard Butler si è diviso tra l’Inghilterra e Los Angeles, sedi d’elezione per il suo lavoro di attore e produttore. I Love You (2007), with Academy Award-winner Hilary Swank.In 2007, he appeared in Nim's Island (2008) and RocknRolla (2008), and completed the new Mark Neveldine / Brian Taylor film, Gamer (2009). Because I am thinking, I am never going to look like this again. Butler is related to writer-director Mark Flood. I'm more comfortable with myself.". And that's the last time I ever had a drink. Chosen by Empire magazine as one of the 100 Sexiest Stars in film history (#10). Gerard Butler won the lead role in Guy Ritchie's RocknRolla on the basis of his shredded eight-packs abs that he famously showed off in the global hit 300. It is pronounced like 'chair-errd'. 07 novembre 2014 di Antonella Rossi. | Publicity Listings Gerard Butler è uno “scapolo incallito”: di recente ha dichiarato in un’intervista che si sposerà a 80 anni, se qualche donna ancora lo vorrà. È diventato universalmente noto per il ruolo in 300, film-fumetto ispirato alle guerre di Sparta. His father passed away when Gerard was in his early 20s. Gerard James Butler is a Scottish actor, and producer. Gerard James Butler was born in Paisley, Scotland, to Margaret and Edward Butler, a bookmaker. Did not start acting until he was twenty-five years old. Was once rumored to be the next James Bond (after, Was a presenter at the 2003 MTV Europe Music Awards with fellow Scotsman. Gerard Butler è nato il 13 Novembre 1969 ed oggi ha 51 anni. Il cast e la trama del film con Gerard Butler. He was rescued after a surfing accident on December 18, 2011 in northern California. [2007]. His favorite actors are Christian Bale and Gary Oldman. She just lost her mind and the other sister was freaking out and crying and saying, 'I don't know what's wrong with her' and I remember thinking: 'How many of these crazy situations do I have to get into? It was weird, I could stick my fingers two knuckles deep into my abs as I often showed people while making 300. His family is of Irish origin. He is Scottish, but is of partial Irish ancestry. No. La sua descrizione nel profilo ufficiale di Instagram recita: “Attore, produttore, scozzese. Luca Graziani 24 Ottobre 2020. While filming the movie in Scotland, he was enjoying a picnic with his mother near the River Tay when they heard the shouts of a young boy, who had been swimming with a friend, who was in some trouble. Gerard Butler è un attore e produttore cinematografico di nazionalità scozzese. He did quit for six months while filming. 4 would be a little movie I just made called The Vanishing. 1. Butler jumped in and saved the young boy from drowning. When he auditioned for the role of "Aslan the Lion" in the Walden Media/Disney production of. He studied at Scottish Youth Theatre as a teenager, and was the president of the Law Society at Glasgow University in Scotland. Was president of the Law society in college. Gerard Butler film. And some honorable traits in some ways. In Scotland I'm just like a lot of other guys, but in America I'm seen as a very strong, masculine guy. [Butler picks the top 5 movies that he is the most proud of] 300 would be no. Gerard Butler è apparso nei film RocknRolla (2008) e Attacco al potere – Olympus Has Fallen (2013). 3 would be The Phantom of the Opera. Gli attori non ripeterono mai lo stesso esercizio due volte, una tecnica che impedisce al corpo di adattarsi a qualsiasi tipo di sforzo. Ralph Fiennes e Gerard Butler, uno più duro, uno più sexy dell'altro – oggi le colleghe non ti salutavano nemmeno, la testa ad altro – si affrontano, si insanguinano, si pugnalano, si avvinghiano, si abbracciano finché morte non li separi. Disponibili gratuitamente on line i trailer di Gerard Butler. Clyde is a suburban dad, so you don't want that audience to go - wait a minute, why does he have the body of a Greek god. I want to show my abs to everybody. That's a lot. Eventually, he sent them a clip of his portrayal of "Attila". La sua città natale è Paisley, vicino Glasgow, in Scozia. The role eventually went to Ben Affleck. Aside from singing in a band in college, he had no prior Musical experience before being cast in the title role of. He does this because he notices that many people (especially Americans) struggle with pronouncing "Gerard". Per lui, … Ha dichiarato in passato che avrebbe voglia di acquistare un castello scozzese. Poked in the eye with a wooden stake during rehearsals for the play. Used to frequent a weekly Jazz night in Beverly Hills hosted by. “Mi sposerò a 80 anni, se qualcuna ancora mi vorrà”, ha confessato al Corriere della Sera. And I'm like, 'Mom, I am a major Hollywood movie star, I can't be doing this. Chissà se la dinamica catastrofista fa ancora presa sul pubblico. Gerard Butler ritorna con un disaster movie in cui la vera catastrofe è quella della vita coniugale, e riuscire ad aggiustarne le sorti potrebbe rappresentare una salvezza non soltanto simbolica. Ad oggi Gerard non ha una moglie e non è sposato. After that, Butler decided to give up law for acting. He is a huge fan of Glasgow Celtic Football club. Ritchie reiterated that saying, "He had a rather impressive set of abs in 300." His family is of Irish origin. Other projects include Dear Frankie (2004), The Game of Their Lives (2005) and Beowulf & Grendel (2005).In 2007, he starred as Spartan "King Leonidas" in the Warner Bros. production 300 (2006), based on the Frank Miller graphic novel, and Shattered (2007), co-starring Pierce Brosnan and Maria Bello, which aired on network TV under the title, "Shattered". L’intero cast principale subì un rigoroso regime di allenamento di 8 settimane organizzato da Marc Twight, alpinista professionista e detentore di record mondiali. My six-pack in 300, it was actually an eight-pack by the way, was ridiculous. Gerard James Butler was born in Paisley, Scotland, to Margaret and Edward Butler, a bookmaker. There is just something burning about them. Sang in a rock band whilst training to be a lawyer. I campi obbligatori sono contrassegnati *. First stage role was in Coriolanus. Gerard Butler è nato il 13 Novembre 1969 ed oggi ha 51 anni. And you know, my physique in that movie, that won't be right for every movie I do specially not this one. In prima serata mercoledì 5 maggio 2021 alle ore 21:20 su Italia 1 sarà trasmesso il film Geostorm (2017). [on his transformation for Gods of Egypt] I was playing an Egyptian God in this one and I put on 30 pounds in 4 months. You just hear the Scottish voice and you can hear a man with a set of heavy feet that are connected to the ground. I actually went to the pub and thought well, I'll have a beer, and sit and contemplate this, and I just couldn't drink it. 5 would be this trilogy (the Has Fallen trilogy consisting of Olympus Has Fallen, London Has Fallen, Angel Has Fallen). He had no contact with his father between the ages of two and 16 years old, after which time they became close. Gerard James Butler was born in Paisley, Scotland, to Margaret and Edward Butler, a bookmaker. In 2000, he starred as Count Dracula in the gothic horror film Dracula 2000 with Christopher Plummer and Jonny Lee Miller. Barbara D’Urso e Gerard Butler, la strana «coppia» ... Oggi è una star. He mostly lived in Venice Beach, working at different jobs, traveling often, and, according to him, drinking heavily, at one point being arrested for alcohol-related disorderly conduct. Following these two roles, Butler developed quite a fan base, and began appearing on websites and fancasts everywhere.Since then, he has appeared in Reign of Fire (2002) as "Creedy" and Lara Croft Tomb Raider: The Cradle of Life (2003) as "Terry Sheridan", alongside Angelina Jolie. [on enjoying his fitness level in 300 while it lasted] No, I am sorry man, my six-pack was not added in later. Is constantly trying to quit smoking employing the use of hypnotism, patches, lasers and most general methods. Eli, il figlio di Zack Snyder, recita la parte di Leonida da giovane … On solitude: I love to spend a lot of time on my own.
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