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jace shadowhunters film

Though, as stated by Clary, he was in love with a memory of her, not her as of that moment. Shadowhunters: The Mortal Instruments è una serie televisiva statunitense trasmessa dal 12 gennaio 2016 dal canale via cavo Freeform e pubblicata dal 13 gennaio 2016 su Netflix.. Si tratta di un adattamento della saga letteraria The Mortal Instruments, in Italia pubblicata con il titolo Shadowhunters dell'autrice Cassandra Clare. Jace kept quiet about the decision weighing heavily on his chest for the first few days of the trip, never asking for Alec's input or help. However, one evening, when he found out that Clary's birthday was upon them, Jace invited Clary to join him in the Institute's greenhouse. Valentine also insisted that Jace learn to play an instrument,[4] and he taught him the piano. Jace was born to Stephen and Céline Herondale. Jace and Simon Lewis are good friends, bonded by their adventures together and their mutual love for Clary. Jace's upbringing was both loving and harsh; Valentine trained him as a warrior, strictly and with the occasional beating, but also treated him with some level of kindness. Clary was considering the offer but their meeting was cut short when Jocelyn saw Sebastian in her kitchen and screamed. A fight soon broke out and Jace and Clary were able to return to the mortal world with Cristina and the Eternidad. His charisma, good looks, and charm have made him quite the ladies' man. New York InstituteLivia's Watch Other arrangements were made to retrieve and distribute the water and the inhabitants of the LA Institute began making plans for what to do next. But his peace was soon interrupted when Clary appeared. [3] Desperate for the baby he had been giving angel blood to, Valentine had Hodge Starkweather help him take the child from Céline's dead body shortly after—it is said that the only reason that Jace survived was because of the increased amount of angel blood in his body. They had lured a demon into a closet and were about to kill it when they were interrupted by a girl, Clary Fray, that Alec had assumed was a mundane girl. Shadowhunters (racconti) Il mercato delle ombre è un luogo speciale, dove si possono incontrare fate, licantropi, stregoni e vampiri. [20], In the weeks following their exile, Jace and Clary became part of and hosted a crisis team in New York — which was working on rebuilding, figuring out who had stayed in Alicante and who hadn't, planning the elections that needed to be held, etc. He can speak Romanian, Latin, Italian, French, and apparently some more languages. [1] [7], Jace became good friends with the Lightwood children, Alec and Isabelle Lightwood. It was cancelled too soon, too fast, and the writers were forced to rush an ending that was forced upon them. Their love went through plenty of complications and ordeals. He and the Lightwood children have since come to treat each other as siblings, and he was treated like a son by their parents, especially Maryse. La madre non l'ha avvertita del suo imminente incontro con gli Shadowhunters, i cacciatori di demoni che popolano un mondo parallelo e con i quali Clary ha un legame ancestrale. While in Idris, Jace spent a lot of time with Aline Penhallow and her cousin Sebastian Verlac. Sie wurde von Constantin Film produziert und erzählt die Geschichte von Clary Fray, die erfährt, dass sie eine Schattenjägerin ist. Una volta era un orfano, che nel 1870 viveva nell'Istituto di Londra insieme al suo parabatai, Will Herondale. Shadowhunters es una serie de televisión de fantasía, acción y drama sobrenatural basada en la serie literaria juvenil Cazadores de sombras, escrita por la autora estadounidense Cassandra Clare.La cadena ABC confirmó que estrenaría por Freeform el 12 de enero de 2016, con McG y Ed Decter como principales productores ejecutivos, además de director y guionista, respectivamente. His personality drastically changed after he met Clary, with Isabelle even stating that Jace was apathetic about everyone else beforehand, not caring about anyone other than the Lightwoods until he met Clary, whose presence shook Jace, who was revealed to be a very passionate individual, loving Clary on a very deep and passionate level when he fell in love with her and does everything in his power to protect her from harm, the extent of his love for Clary even surprising those close to him. 19 talking about this. Jace is left-handed and can play the piano. After cleaning up in their room, Jace and Clary talked about Maryse's offer. Ithuriel's blood made its way into unborn baby Jace's system, thus he was born differently from other Shadowhunters. Father: Il primo film, Shadowhunters - Città di ossa, diretto da Harald Zwart, è uscito nelle sale cinematografiche il 23 agosto 2013, con protagonisti Lily Collins nel ruolo di Clary Fray e Jamie Campbell Bower in quello di Jace Wayland[13]. Later, Jace told Clary that he would, from now on, act like her brother and nothing more.[8]. [11] Though Jace was happy for a chance to have Simon back, he continued to mess with him by telling him fake stories of his life. Jace would spend the next seven years forming a solid bond with the Lightwoods and was treated much like a true son by Maryse and Robert. Mother: Isabelle is said to have tried to get with Jace in the past, but he was apparently uninterested. Like Valentine and the Lightwoods , Jace also shared the snobbish attitude toward mundanes and Downworlders, though he lacked their extremist tendencies. Biographical information Céline Herondale † (biological)Maryse Lightwood (adoptive) Jace was raised by Valentine believing that they were the Waylands, and they lived in the Waylands' estate. Jace once ran down Madison Avenue completely naked except for a pair of antlers on his head after eating faerie scones from a faerie run coffee shop: Moon in a Cup. Sebastian—as he would choose to be known—awakened and he and Jace disappeared before the others returned.[10]. Her last words to Jace were "Your father would have been proud," referring to her son, Stephen. Kind: Shadowhunters - Città di ossa streaming.Film Shadowhunters - Città di ossa in alta definizione gratis.Film di trama completa, recensione, scaricare o trailer su ilgeniodellostreaming.【IGDS FILM】 Despite knowing this, the fans were thankful for an ending at all. Shadowfam: Here’s why we’re *still* fighting for ‘Shadowhunters’ season 4. Imogen then noticed his star-shaped scar and tried to tell him something but Jace, angered by the Inquisitor's behavior, left to join the battle. He'd begun to play more challenging pieces and composing, even collaborating once with fellow musician, Simon, on "Come Back, Meow", a song dedicated to Chairman Meow.[14]. Ha una passione per le invenzioni e crea il primo portale insieme a Magnus Bane. Growing up, Jace always looked forward to his birthday because it was when Valentine always let Jace do or have what he wanted: horses, weapons, books, and even a bath in spaghetti on his fifth birthday. By the end of the meeting, the Clave decided to use the heavenly fire within Jace to defeat Sebastian, although they did not know how to get the fire out of him. Raziel versò il suo sangue in una coppa e chi ne bevve diventò metà angelo e metà umano. ; Jace Wayland - one of the most skilled Shadowhunters of his generation, Jace is an orphan who witnessed his father's death. Figlia di Will Herondale e di Tessa Gray. During their adventures, Jace met Madame Dorothea, who they later killed while possessed by the Greater Demon Abbadon, werewolf and former Shadowhunter Luke Garroway, High Warlock of Brooklyn, Magnus Bane, the New York vampire clan and its acting head Raphael Santiago, and, to Jace's dismay, Clary's mundane best friend Simon Lewis. –Alec Lightwood about Jace, The Land I Lost. E 'stato cresciuto dal perfido Valentine Morgenstern. Shadowhunters ist eine US-amerikanische Fantasyserie, die auf der Buchreihe Chroniken der Unterwelt von Cassandra Clare basiert. Storia di illustri Shadowhunters e abitanti del mondo dei Nascosti. Julian and Emma arrived back at the LA Institute only moments after the rest had but it was clear they had gone somewhere else as they were in bad shape. She then proceeded to tell him about her plan to threaten Valentine in order to get the Mortal Instruments by using Jace's life. After both found out, however, Jace was killed while protecting Clary from Valentine. However, he began to have some nightmares which always ended with him murdering Clary. Ha particolari occhi dorati, talvolta presi in giro perché "simili a quelli delle capre". While Clary blessed her sword in Accords Hall fountain, they saw the demon towers light up in the color of battle. He was then attacked by a demon that could have killed him had the Inquisitor not interfered, saving him. She refused to believe anything Jace said, until she learned that Valentine truly did not care for Jace and would sacrifice him for the Mortal Instruments, making Imogen regret her decisions. Guarda i trailer e scopri di più. Alec Lightwood When he was ten,[4] Valentine realized that Jace was too soft for his plans but needed to move forward with his plans. Occupation: After a lot of debate, they finally agreed to let Jace stay in Magnus Bane's apartment, under the condition that a magical restraint was placed on him. Clary joined them and Sebastian and Jace kept working on their plans without explaining them to her. Henry Branwell. Sometime in 2010, Maryse approached Jace saying that she planned to retire soon and would like him to take over. Sposerà Cecily Herondale. Jace is the nickname given to him by Maryse, derived from his first assumed name, Jonathan Christopher. Gender: Thus, allowing Sebastian to come closer to Clary. Later in 2012, at Simon and Isabelle's engagement party, Jace proposed to Clary who didn't have a chance to answer yet. Age: Shadowhunters, znany także jako Shadowhunters: The Mortal Instruments – amerykański serial fantasy wyprodukowany przez Constantin Film oraz Wonderland Sound and Vision, który jest adaptacją serii książek Dary anioła autorstwa Cassandry Clare.Producentami wykonawczymi są Ed Decter oraz McG.Serial był emitowany od 12 stycznia 2016 roku do 13 maja 2019 roku przez Freeform. Everyone knows Shadowhunters was done dirty. However, taught that "to love is to destroy, and to be loved is to be destroyed." Knocking Jace out and leaving a helpless Clary to watch, trapped in an invisible casing, Hodge contacted Valentine Morgenstern with Jace's ring. January 18,[1][2] 1991; Idris However, that did not help. Seguendolo tra le pieghe di questo luogo magico, incontreremo insieme a lui personaggi iconici dell’universo Shadowhunters, Clarissa "Clary" Adele Fray/Fairchild nata Morgenstern, Jonathan Christopher "Jace" Herondale (noto anche come Wayland/Morgenstern/Lightwood/Herondale), Jonathan Christopher Morgenstern/Sebastian Verlac. Sebastian soon kidnapped the Downworld representatives, along with Jocelyn, and held them hostage, demanding the Clave hand over Jace and Clary for their return. Un racconto di iniziazione giovanile in … Nel 2010 la Costantin Features, insieme a Screen Gems e Unique Features, ha acquistato i diritti cinematografici dei libri[12]. He even exhibits sadistic tendencies, which he got on account of being raised by Valentine. Male Rimane paralizzato alle gambe durante un incidente in battaglia. However, during the night, Jace dreamed of his lost brother, Max. : Jonathan, through Lilith's rune, had now gained power over Jace and compelled him to complete the ritual. Figlio minore di Will Herondale e della strega Tessa Gray. Simon pointed him in the direction of their guest lecturer, Tessa, who revealed herself to be his ancestor. Jace and Isabelle are like brother and sister and he considers her family. Eye color: Residence: Jonathan Christopher Lightwood Herondale When battle broke out, Jace came out and joined in the fight, using the Silent Brother's staff. After their return to the Institute, Clary and Jace fought about their feelings for each other. Dominic Sherwood, né le 6 février 1990 à Royal Tunbridge Wells dans le Kent, est un acteur et mannequin britannique.. Il est surtout connu pour jouer le rôle de Christian Ozéra dans le film Vampire Academy et depuis 2016 pour le rôle de Jace Herondale dans la série Shadowhunters Tessa è un ibrido mutaforma, figlia di una Cacciatrice ignara di esserlo, Elizabeth Moore (nata Adele Starkweather), e di un ignoto Demone Superiore, avvicinatosi a Elizabeth sotto le sembianze del marito. Coinciding with the disappearance of Clary's mother, Jocelyn, were the rumors that Valentine Morgenstern, whom Jace was unaware was also Clary's father, had returned from the dead. While Valentine took the identity of Michael Wayland, Jace was raised as Jonathan Wayland, both of whom were, in fact, the father-and-son Valentine killed to fake their deaths. Shadowhunter 2: La catena di ferro, The eldest curses: Il libro bianco perduto. La storia della vita di Jace è uno dei racconti più complessi nella saga. Alec Lightwood is Jace's best friend, adoptive brother, and parabatai—his fighting partner. Maryse's loves and cares for Jace as much as she cares for her biological children, even though this was not evident to Jace in his youth. News; Film in anteprima; Shadowhunters, Jamie Campbell Bower è il tenebroso Jace nella nuova immagine. Jace followed her to Java Jones the next evening, and when she confronted him, he told her about Shadowhunters and told her that he doubted that she was ordinary. After his attempted escape, his Twinning rune that bound him to Sebastian healed and he was back under his control. After a few iratzes, Jace planned to go after them again, this time with a weapon but was stopped by the Blackthorn family approaching and talking them down; which he and his friends soon joined them in doing so. When Simon's kiss failed to free Clary, Jace kissed her and successfully broke the spell, which angered Simon, thus making him leave the group at Central Park. One fateful night in August 2007, the trio went scouting at the Pandemonium Club. Benvenuti sulla pagina ufficiale italiana di Shadowhunters - Città di ossa. Isabelle, Simon, Alec e ora il cacciatore di demoni protagonista di Città di ossa There they discovered the Angel Ithuriel trapped in the basement. Clary tried to understand the connection between her brother and boyfriend but she couldn't find a way to help Jace, not without raising suspicions. Surprised and hurt by the heavenly fire that leaked out of the wound, Sebastian and his army fled the battle. Shadowhunters, ook wel bekend als Shadowhunters: The Mortal Instruments (Nederlands: Schaduwjagers: Kronieken van de Onderwereld), is een door Ed Decter ontwikkelde Amerikaanse bovennatuurlijke drama-tv-serie, gebaseerd op de populaire boekenreeks Kronieken van de Onderwereld geschreven door Cassandra Clare.De serie ging op de Amerikaanse tv-zender Freeform op 12 januari … Benvenuti sulla pagina ufficiale italiana di Shadowhunters - Città di ossa. When the floor was opened up to nominations, Jace immediately jumped up to put Alec forward. Jace excitedly showed it to his father, but Valentine broke its neck, saying that he was supposed to train it to become obedient, not to love him. Dominic Anthony Sherwood (born 6 February 1990) is an English actor and model, known for his role as Christian Ozera in the teen vampire film Vampire Academy, as Jace Herondale on the Freeform fantasy series Shadowhunters and as Kurt in the series Penny Dreadful: City of Angels Moments before her death, she noticed his star-shaped mark—the Herondale men's birthmark, immediately making her realize that he was her grandson. Tiez sa mi paci, ako zatial riesia vztah Aleca a Magnusa, ktori su dovod, preco som serial zacala pozerat. Just as he was about to deliver the death blow, Isabelle found them and saved Jace by cutting off Jonathan's hand. Vede gli spettri, e in particolare legherà con Jesse Blackthorn, deceduto e diventato fantasma. As Alec was announced as the winner of the election, Jace threw himself at Alec with joy. Nonetheless, Jace decided to stay and face the Inquisitor, believing that by avoiding her things would become worse. Shadowhunters - Città di ossa (The Mortal Instruments: City of Bones) è un film del 2013 diretto da Harald Zwart. at an early age, Jace kept everyone, except the Lightwoods, at arm's length, never forming emotional attachments for more than a brief amount of time, if at all. 5'11" (approx. The rest of the Shadowhunters soon arrived and a chaotic battle began on the boat. [18], A few weeks later, Jace returned to the L.A Institute with Clary to pass on what was discussed in a recent Council meeting. Isabelle was apparently even quite surprised at how quickly he became genuinely attracted to Clary and that she and the others at the Institute saw how Jace began to drastically change as he began to grow closer to her. Ho pensato che, siccome avevo amato molto questa saga, era perfetto per il … He is currently the co-head of the New York Institute, alongside his fiancée, Clary Fairchild. Beneath Jace's flippant exterior lies a soul in constant torment, filled with a deep-seated rage that he keeps in check most of the time and channels into fighting and slaying demons and also, sometimes, his sarcastic and nasty remarks. With Clary's urging, Jace finally turned against him. While on-board the ship, Jace found Simon dead and fed him his blood in order to save him. All six books in the #1 New York Times bestselling Mortal Instruments series, now available in a collectible paperback boxed set. Even after this was disproved and contradicted by the fact that he actually is part angel, even more so than regular people of his kind, Jace continued to carry the weight of the lies he had lived for so long. Alec once believed that he was in love with Jace. Though he can be, at times, vindictive, he is cruel only to protect those he loves. La serie è stata trasmessa per la prima volta il 12 gennaio 2016. Discover (and save!) The King planned to place more that would allow Ash Morgenstern to spread a Blight that rendered seraphic magic—runes, Seraph blades, Witchlights, etc.—useless. [12], Later that year, Jace was invited to the Shadowhunter Academy—where they had sent Simon in hopes of helping him regain all his memories through Ascension—to teach a lesson as a guest tutor. Stephen Herondale † (biological)Valentine Morgenstern † (foster)Robert Lightwood † (adoptive) Confused and hurt, Jace allotted her space, though he couldn't help wondering what he had done wrong despite her assurances that it was something wrong with her. Clary was then poisoned by a Ravener demon, forcing Jace to test his theory by giving her a rune—an iratze. [24][25] The name Jason also appears to have Hebrew roots,[24] where it means "the Lord is Salvation".[26]. Tessa Gray è la protagonista della trilogia. Clary Fray è interpretata da Katherine McNamara, Jace Herondale da Dominic Sherwood, Isabelle (Izzy) Lightwood da Emeraude Toubia, Alexander (Alec) Lightwood da Matthew Daddario e Magnus Bane da Harry Shum Jr.. ‘The Mortal Instruments: City of Heavenly Fire’ placeholder cover: “Who will survive?”, Shadowhunters - Città del fuoco celeste, il primo capitolo in anteprima, Shadowhunters. Despite everything, Jace still mourned Valentine's death. Dal 23 agosto 2013 è stata distribuita una versione cinematografica del romanzo, Shadowhunters - Città di ossa, diretta da Harald Zwart; il film vede Lily Collins nel ruolo di Clary Fray e Jamie Campbell Bower nel ruolo di Jace Wayland. They were soon interrupted by Raphael Santiago's appearance at the Institute with Simon's corpse in his hands. When they first met, however, they disliked each other, mainly because they both envied or were jealous of the other's relationship with Clary. While he was still in Céline's womb, Valentine Morgenstern constantly gave Céline doses of Ithuriel's blood to mix with her food, and she took it, not knowing what it really was. Sibling(s): When they came back, Alec expressed his pride in Jace's plan and it was then that he realized he was actually good at planning. Jace, fearing that he was losing control, decided to distance himself from Clary. Jace was originally named Will, but Cassie opted for Jace to be something that could be short for Jonathan; she also eventually gave the name to her. Once at the Seventh Sacred Site, Sebastian, with Jace and Clary by his side, was preparing to create his own army of Endarkened, when Jace's family and the New York werewolf pack came in, along with Simon holding the Glorious. After the slaughter of the Silent Brothers, Valentine visited Jace and told him that he had killed them to get the Mortal Sword. Despite not being allowed, the two went through a Portal and joined the battle at Adamant Citadel. He makes fun of her often but is also affectionate of her. Shadowhunters vampire lore says one must be buried in order to be resurrected, so Clary and Jace (Dominic Sherwood) do just that. Trovata una cura alla sua mortale, ora non più, malattia Jem ora è un mortale, che ha più di cento anni, libero di vivere la sua meritata vita con Tessa Gray. They came to a decision and Jace announced to Maryse that he would accept her offer, provided that Clary could run it alongside him, to which Maryse agreed.[15]. Nevertheless, upon the discovery of the fact that the Book of the White was hidden inside the library in the Wayland manor, Clary asked Jace to help her. He has curly blond hair, that he sometimes grows a little longer, long eyelashes, and amber eyes that look gold in the light due to his angel blood. After Jace's fire was contained in Heosphoros while in Edom, the couple finally consummated their relationship. La graphic novel è stata pubblicata online nella sua interezza il 6 agosto 2013. Because Jace never met or even knew about his real father until his teenage years, Jace did not think much of Stephen. The group then Portaled to Shanghai and immediately to New York from there. Del primo libro è stato realizzato un graphic novel in lingua inglese, pubblicato mensilmente da Th3rd World a partire da settembre 2012[10]: la storia, in nove parti, è adattata da Mike Raicht, illustrata da Nicole Virella e Val Freire, e colorata da Jeremy Mohler[11]. Jace, believing that he had demon blood in his veins, was inconsolable. Magnus Bane (adoptive brother-in-law)Rafael Lightwood-Bane (adoptive nephew)Max Lightwood-Bane (adoptive nephew)Max Trueblood (adoptive uncle)Rosemary † (distant relative)Kit Herondale (distant relative) avcılar, film, jace wayland hakkında daha fazla fikir görün. Alec Lightwood (adoptive brother)Isabelle Lightwood (adoptive sister)Max Lightwood † (adoptive brother) Luke soon followed after Clary and began to tell Jace about Valentine and Jocelyn's past, facts which Clary later reinforced. Their little adventure ended with Sebastian throwing a silver dagger to Luke and leaving with Jace. Clary and Izzy were visibly upset for a long time after, and though Jace tried not to show it, he also greatly missed Simon.[11]. A.K.A. Herondale familyLightwood familyMontclaire family Vive nell'istituto di Londra a fine 1800 con la Moglie Charlotte Fairchild, chiamata da lui "Lottie". Jonathan Christopher "Jace" Herondale is considered the best Shadowhunter of his generation and a hero of the Mortal and Dark wars. They ventured up to the throne room in order to save Mark and Kieran who had also been captured. Jace è uno Shadowhunter, metà umano e metà angelo che protegge i Mondani (persone appartenenti al mondo degli umani) dai demoni, e, quando si scopre che anche Clary è una di loro, Jace, insieme ai compagni cacciatori Isabelle e Alec, l'aiuta a scoprire se stessa. È alto e castano, e non sopporta Will, cosa ironica se si pensa che sposerà sua sorella. Figlio di Benedict Lightwood insieme a Gideon, fratello maggiore. Shadowhunters – Città di ossa, film del 2013 con Lily Collins, regia di Harald Zwart.. Frasi []. During the confrontation, Jace began to doubt his decision as he learned more about his "father". After a while, and after Clary had taken the risk of going after a cult alone, Jace could no longer bury his emotions and told Clary about his nightmares. At one point, when Alec was gravely injured during their encounter with the demon Abbadon, Jace went to a dark place and began to blame himself. Ma to svoje lepsie a horsie momenty. He viewed himself as more of a foot soldier, someone who would be first into battle, rather than behind a desk. In an attempt to teach him this, Valentine gave him a wild falcon to train when he was six, intending it to be a killing companion. Jace's state and whereabouts were unknown for weeks after he disappeared with Sebastian, worrying his family and friends. Members of the Cohort lead by Manuel Villalobos attacked the camp in an attempt to murder them before it could be revealed that Horace Dearborn had lied about their deaths. However, the Seelie Queen told her that if she got the kiss that she most desired, she would be able to leave. Jace tried to brush it off but he proved it again in the morning, when Jace, Clary, Simon, Izzy, and their new friend Ke Yi Tian were sentenced to the Hell of the Pit of Fire. However, after a few moments, Clary noticed his heart was still beating and he was taken to the Institute to be cured by Brother Zachariah. Not long after, he and Clary took over as head of the New York Institute, making them one of the youngest Shadowhunters to ever hold the position. Jace didn't trust him and showed no willingness to bond with him. [6] For this, Valentine yet again staged his death as Michael Wayland, with a hiding Jace there to witness his father "killed" right in front of him, convincing Jace and everyone else of "Michael's" death. Like all other Shadowhunters, he is covered in runes, both the newly-applied or permanent black ones, and the faded silver runes that are to be reapplied. Apr 19, 2018 - Jace’s concerns grow about his mental state, and turns to Luke for information on his family’s past. When her mother disappears, Clary Fray learns that she descends from a line of warriors who protect our world from demons. During this time, with their engagement in question now that Clary had explained why she initially said no, Jace began to make plans to re-propose to her and decided to do so after Magnus and Alec's wedding. Die Hauptrollen haben Katherine McNamara und Dominic Sherwood inne. Status Jace is extremely well-read and can quote literary passages to fit any occasion, usually in romantic instances between him and Clary. He and Clary came up with a plan that they kept from the others which worked out well and allowed Clary to get close enough to stab Sebastian with it, killing him and his army along with him. At that meeting, Jace first met the Blackthorn children and Emma Carstairs. Alec soon gets with Magnus, although he remains loyal and protective over Jace. Capa dell'istituto di Londra a fine 1800, cresce Will e Jem, e in seguito accoglie Tessa. [5] Jordan Kyle soon started teaching Jace to meditate in hopes that it would help him be able to control the heavenly fire. Discover (and save!) 21 (as of 2012) Simon passed this to Clary explaining that the blade would burn out all the evil in whoever it struck, and thus should destroy the bond.

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