0 comments. As usual, make sure to let your team know to plant around the default plant spot behind the box on A-Site. It’s also good to know that Killjoy’s Nanoswarm ability lasts a total of roughly 5 seconds each. Valorant Guides:, Valorant Agents Wiki:, Killjoy Lineups Video Guide:, Your email address will not be published. Jett, Reyna, or Killjoy Image via Riot Games Teams can certainly flex the last pick on Icebox depending on preference. Pinocchios of Spencer. Once you get the Nanoswarm over the roof, it will land in a spot that is perfect for damaging the spike defuser. Winning rounds in attackers is exceptionally challenging as tight corners signal a difficult entry. Below is a list of the best Killjoy lineups for every map in Valorant. I like gloves. It's an ideal tool to evacuate a site for defenders. Now I tried to record an actual video, but my computer is sorta garbage and had massive frame drops when I tried. Menu Home; Contact Ascent is one of Killjoy's best maps, with each of her abilities able to slow down her opponents. It’s worth noting that Market often gets smoked off as well, also making this lineup even more difficult at times. To begin, step onto the second purple flower in the back of C-Long and face toward C-Site. Killjoy's ultimate ability is also very good on attack for both A-Site and B-Site. share. Press question mark to learn the rest of the keyboard shortcuts. The game operates on an economy-round, objective-based, first-to-13 competitive format where you select a unique agent to play for the entirety of the match. Bhatti Jett/Reyna/Killjoy; Omen ... To be a great Sova, you need to discover, research, and practice arrow lineups for any situation. For the lineup, walk into B-Cubby and look up toward the crane in the sky. After planting in the default plant spot on B-Site, it is very common to play in B-Main and behind B-Yellow with your team. Combining different abilities in your Killjoy setup can often work much better than using them separate. Set up the nano swarm, but don't deploy it right away. His presence in a team is significant regardless of the map as he is up there in the meta. I gotta be honest, what I love from Killjoy is 2 things. For VALORANT players who main Killjoy! This covers essentially the whole top area and a little bit of the ramp, and is extremely powerful to stop a defuse or plant. However, once you get it properly a couple of times, it will become easy. The first thing is to make sure that you or your team plant in the default position when you want to go for these lineups. Otherwise, your lineups will not land where the spike is planted. I'm working on a lineup for the left side from inside the cover of the hallway, but haven't found a great one yet. Your email address will not be published. Killjoy Molly Lineups on B Site (Icebox) Hey guys! Jack Daniel’s is based in Tennessee, so they brought a Southern peach flair to this summer flavor. ... Use these Sova shock dart lineups to protect the Spike on Icebox . For the first lineup from this spot, place your crosshair in the middle of the rocks in the sky as seen in the video above. View our full menu, nutritional information, store locations, and more. Posted by just now. Below is a list of the best Killjoy lineups for every map in Valorant. Following various leaks, the character, previously known as agent 12 dropped in the FPS game at the beginning of Valorant Act II. This means if you can successfully get both of them on the spike, you can stall for up to 10 seconds total. Since Killjoy has two Nanoswarms total, this can be a very good strategy for stalling out a planted spike. Second, her gloves. Note: I'm aware that there has been a recent post of the same theme from the other side, but I didn't know about it when I started this endeavor. If you do get a Spike plant, protecting it becomes a tall order. Icebox is the latest map introduced in VALORANT and features a different layout than most other maps. Once you get the proper placement for your crosshair on this one, it will become very easy. Hi there it's n4wii!I hope you enjoyed this video. Killjoy can be very scary to play against with lineups like those shown above for each map. Killjoy Lineups for Icebox: Killjoy Lineup for Default Plant on A-Site: After your team gets control of A-Site on Icebox, you can play back in A-Nest to prepare to set up this molly. The video above shows a Killjoy lineup for default plant on C-Site as well as a lineup in-case your team plants for C-Long. Many players have struggled to adapt to the new map, so Riot released a short video highlighting a few lineups every player should know. Also keep in mind that Killjoy lineups can take quite a few seconds to land, preventing you from being able to activate them for a bit. Even if you don’t use them super often, knowing the Killjoy lineups for each map will easily win you some free rounds every once in a while. Killjoy The ongoing rivalry between Cypher and Killjoy for the spot of the “I can hold a site alone” agent goes on Icebox in favor of the German hipster girl. Dimana Bug Killjoy dapat ditemukan. Killjoy's lockdown can be deadly if used correctly. Please consider supporting us by whitelisting our website! For VALORANT players who main Killjoy! 3.4k members in the KillJoyMains community. Remember that good communication is necessary so your teammates can play accordingly. To begin, walk into the corner in CT-Spawn, and place your crosshair slightly above the roof as seen in the video above. Learn how to play Killjoy with in-depth guides from top players like pros from T1’s Valorant roster. Place your aim in the middle of two green boxes, a bit away from the top edge. Set within an excavation site buried in snow, Icebox is not an easy map to play by any stretch. Players can use Brimstone’s Molly or Killjoy’s swarm grenade to prevent players from defusing. Di salah satu sudut tersebut, pengguna Killjoy harus melakukan lineup yang tepat lalu mereka dapat meletakkan turret Killjoy dan turrentya akan menghilang! The last lineup shows how to cover a planted Spike on A site while using Brimstone or Killjoy. DELIVERY & CARRYOUT LOCATIONS ARE OPEN! Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment. Like, subscribe beacause it's really motivating. Left molly, stand at the right side of the doorway by the ramp, and line the center of your crosshair up with this little nub, it should stick out a bit further than the rest of the ramp. Jett, Reyna, and Killjoy each offer something unique that can help your squad in different ways. Sova can also bounce a Shock Dart off the wall behind the elevated area for the same effect. She specializes in locking down sites and heavily slowing down enemy pushes to give her team time to rotate. The simple lineup for nano swarm begins from the default area for planting the spike. Visit today! A keen Killjoy ultimate lineup surfaced recently, in which the german agent could restrain everyone in bomb point A. If you are new to Killjoy or Valorant in general, there are a few things you should keep in mind when learning these lineups. This Nanoswarm lineup covers the default plant position for B-Site on Bind and can be thrown from B-Long. The detainer procures a vast area, making enemies within its range vulnerable. Since Killjoy has two Nanoswarms total, this can be a very good strategy for stalling out a planted spike. Valorant. Below is a list of the best Killjoy lineups for every map in Valorant. This guide will focus on Killjoy setups with all of her abilities for both A-Site and B-Site. Hey guys!I've been experimenting with some killjoy lineups for Icebox, and I found one that's pretty good for both post-plant and defense on B site. The tac shooter’s newest map brought a bit of everything to VALORANT, with verticality, ziplines, and plenty of choke points.Now that players have had a few months to compete on Icebox, figuring out the right agent lineup is a bit more clear-cut. Both lineups are quite similar and can be thrown from the same position. But a Sentinel as deadly as Killjoy still proves that picking her is key to bagging a win in Valorant. Properly Using Killjoy Lineups: If you are new to Killjoy or Valorant in general, there are a few things you should keep in mind when learning these lineups. For the second lineup from this position, place your crosshair in the same spot, and then move it over to the left just slightly. I wish you the best of luck in your competitive games! Make sure to let your teammates know to plant for that spot before taking A-Site if you plan on using this lineup. These Sova lineups on bomb point B and A can help you win rounds as attackers on Icebox. To place the right molly, stand at the left side of the doorway by the ramp and line the center of your crosshair with this intersection. *NEW* ICEBOX Killjoy Nanoswarm Lineups - VALORANT - YouTube I've been experimenting with some killjoy lineups for Icebox, and I found one that's pretty good for both post-plant and defense on B site. Killjoy’s swarm grenades or Brimstone’s Molly can be used to defend A and prevent the Spike from being defused. best. Vote. It’s very important to note that this Killjoy molly is for back of A-Site, not the default plant position. Press J to jump to the feed. Order pizza online from a store near you. Place your crosshair slightly above the crane where three of the sections intersect as seen in the video above. The unlimited range of KJ’s turret is a huge plus on such a big map with many long-distance chokepoints. To take advantage of Icebox’s numerous vantage points, Jett is the best agent. This Nanoswarm will land very nicely on the planted spike. It should stick out a bit further than the rest of the ramp. For the lineup itself, step onto the rock at the bottom of B-Long, and place your crosshair on the bottom part of the cylinder as seen in the video above. Once you’re against the wall and in a good position, place your crosshair on the line in the sky across from the blue section of the building in the sky. Split. Sova can bounce off a Shock Dart on the elevated area for some crowd control as well. Valorant – #1 Best Killjoy Lineups/Molly for ALL Maps. New comments cannot be posted and votes cannot be cast. View discussions in 1 other community. Valorant Content is able to be consistently made through revenue from advertisements. Once your team plants in the default spot, walk toward long to prepare for this lineup. This Killjoy nano swarm and lockdown lineup can help defenders worry about one site a bit less, allowing them to tighten up control on B and C bomb points. Icebox has an emphasis on vertical gameplay and there are several ways to approach each site. Press J to jump to the feed. ... Icebox. Now I tried to record an actual video, but my computer is sorta garbage and had massive frame drops when I tried. Since Killjoy has two Nanoswarms total, this can be a very good strategy for stalling out a planted spike. If you guys like this I'll update you if I do. Killjoy Icebox Setups, Hidden Nanoswarm Spots & Lineups : KillJoyMains. Once you get the proper placement for your crosshair on this one, it will become very easy. ... there should be tons of variety in post-plant defense and ample opportunity to find some amazing lineups for Agent utility. hide. Stand next to the left wall of A link right next to the boxes, and aim at the ledge of the house. Close. 100% Upvoted. Fariha. Explore all the callouts, points of interest, smoke lineups, and ability lineups for Icebox on an interactive map. After your team gets control of A-Site on Icebox, you can play back in A-Nest to prepare to set up this molly. Bug Killjoy tersebut ditemukan di banyak tumpukan salju di sekitar map Icebox dan lokasi Kitchen. Killjoy has landed in Valorant. The lineup itself starts along the wall in A-Main as seen in the video above. For the lineup, walk up next to the bicycle in A-Main and place your crosshair on the second metal rod as seen in the video above. This lineup, similar to Brimstone and Sova lineups, can be thrown from the corner in A-Long next to the sandbags. Her Tailwind and Updraft abilities are perfect for quickly moving around the map and making use of those verticalities that Icebox has to offer. First, her turret, it aims for me because I suck. After throwing this molly, you will want to walk back into A-Main and prepare to peak the spike, as this lineup is done a bit farther away from the spike. Killjoy Lineup for Default Plant on A-Site: Killjoy Lineup for Default Plant on B-Site: Killjoy Lineup for Back of Site on A-Site: Killjoy Lineup for Default Plant on C-Site: Killjoy Lineup for Default Plant/Back-Site on B-Site:, Properly Using Killjoy Lineups: If you are new to Killjoy or Valorant in general, there are a few things you should keep in mind when learning these lineups. Upon landing, it will cover the default plant spot on A-Site very nicely. When defending a planted spike, you can use lineups with her Nanoswarms to prevent enemy players from defusing the spike. Killjoy is a sentinel in Valorant that can be very powerful when utilized to her full potential. Killjoy molly for Haven's A bombsite. This Killjoy lineup might be a little tricky to learn at first, as the corner you normally would throw it from was removed in the Split rework. Killjoy LINEUPS for LURKING on Split/Icebox. This Killjoy nanoswarm lineup always helps clear Ascent's B site. I'll upload 10 videos a day for the next 4 days. Players need to plant the bomb on the right corner … 3.2k members in the KillJoyMains community. Backing up and preparing to use this lineup when enemies attempt to defuse the spike is a very good way to win rounds for free. This Killjoy lineup is thrown from Market, which is generally an awkward place to defend a planted spike from. Right molly, stand at the left side of the doorway by the ramp, and line the center of your crosshair with this intersection. And Icebox has plenty of those, making it imperative to learn them. For the Killjoy lineup itself, walk into the corner in A-Lobby and place your crosshair between the leaves as seen in the image above. save. It will definitely be one of our favorites, Jack Daniel’s has an entire lineup of Country Cocktails that are oozing with summer vibes. Once you are in the corner next to the sandbags, you want to place your crosshair on the very corner of the roof as seen in the video above. Next in line is Omen with a pick rate of 85.19%. Log in or sign up to leave a comment Log In Sign Up. Clip your game and submit it! Log InSign Up. Also, you're a bit less exposed on this side, which makes this nice in a post-plant situation. These are just some of the possible lineups Riot Games showed off that you can try out on Valorant’s Icebox map. In order to see the exact crosshair placement for this Killjoy lineup, you will need to full-screen the video above. This makes this Nanoswarm lineup perfect for stopping an enemy spike defuser. The lineup for nano swarm begins from A link. We use cookies on our websites for a number of purposes, including analytics and performance, functionality and advertising. report. All Astra Breach Brimstone Cypher Jett Killjoy Omen Phoenix Raze Reyna Sage Skye Sova Viper Yoru Map Guides All Ascent Bind Haven Icebox Split Submit Valorant Guides You have some tricks others may want to know? This Killjoy Nanoswarm can be thrown from A-Lobby and covers the entire default plant spot on A-Site. Fine Italian dining. Required fields are marked *. Use the video for guidance if you’re having trouble. Press question mark to learn the rest of the keyboard shortcuts. Killjoy LINEUPS for LURKING on Split/Icebox. While the snowy tundra of VALORANT’s Icebox is definitely cold, the perfect agent comp can ensure your team stays hot.. These are just a few of the lineups on Icebox, but they should give almost every player a new tactic to use in matches. This Killjoy lineup for Ascent site B can be a game-winner. To place the left molly, stand at the right side of the doorway by the ramp and line the center of your crosshair up with this little nub. To begin this lineup, walk into the left-side of the doorway in Market, and place your crosshair on the silver section of the wall as seen in the video above. Sort by. In order to see the exact crosshair placement for this Killjoy lineup, you will need to full-screen the video above. VALORANT is a free to play 5v5, character-based tactical shooter. Icebox is easily the most complex map in Valorant. ... Use this nanoswarm lineup from A Heaven to stop attackers from planting or defenders from defusing the spike at A default. This is a Killjoy lineup that can be done from A-Main after getting the spike down on A-Site next to generator. However, there are definitely some scenarios where you can make this molly work, even if it isn’t on attack.
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