However, the hair often falls out during tissue processing, in which case the central cavity will appear to be occupied by just empty space. 2. Epidermal cells do contain these organelles but in reduced amount, as the bulk of synthesis is for structural proteins, not exportable ones. Observe the process of true apocrine secretion. Identify the various strata: The principal cell type of the epidermis is termed a keratinocyte and you will see this term used as a general descriptor for the epithelial cell found in any stratified squamous epithelium. In this period, the pituitary hormone prolactin stimulates the glands to produce milk, while the hypothalamic … Next, glands were washed with PBS and dehydrated by immersion in 70%, 80%, and 90% ethanol for 1 h each and 100% ethanol overnight. The 16-20 lactiferous ducts slide 265 Nipple, areola H&E View Image, one from each lobe, open at the summit of the nipple. In some planes of section, the nuclei may appear round. Slide 106 Thick skin, sole of foot (Homo) View Virtual Slide, Slide 112 Thick skin (Homo) View Virtual Slide, Slide 112N Thick skin (Homo) View Virtual Slide, Slide 105-1 Thin skin (Homo) View Virtual Slide. consists primarily of type III collagen fibers. The LREC in the tissue slides (12 mammary glands) evaluated for the combined estimation of nuclear labeling with tritium and 5BrdU following the 5BrdU pulse had an average of 4.12±0.88 grains and those present in the mammary tissues (36 glands) following the … ID: 75100 Title: Structure of the female b… Category: Labeled-Ronner 1E. 69 Epidermis – Details of the Stratum Granulosum and Stratum Corneum View Virtual EM Slide The proliferation of these cells lead to the formation of secretory alveoli. The secretory cells of the eccrine gland are surrounded by myoepithelial cells which can contract to propel its secretions to the surface. The projections of the dermis are called dermal papillae and those of the epidermis, epidermal ridges (pegs), because of their appearance in vertical sections of the skin. These structures are hair follicles slide 107 View Image sectioned transversely or tangentially at different levels. Identify the layer indicated by the black bracket. Available at the iTunes Store and for Android users at the Google Play Store. The fourth abdominal mammary gland on the left was harvested from pubertal mice, placed between two glass slides, and spread by placing weights on top of the slides for 10 min, followed by fixing in 3.7% formalin overnight. After dehydration, glands … However, the mechanisms of toxicity and carcinogenicity are generally unknown. Hemidesmosomes, on the other hand, serve to attach the epidermis to the dermis by connecting the cells of the stratum basale to the dermis via the basal lamina. Now look for a tangential section of the gland. Adrenal gland are paired and located near the upper pole of kidney embedding in adipose tissue. Health Information Technology & Services. In slide 258 (active gland), you can see that the amount of the glandular tissues has increased, while that of the connective tissue has decreased. What should be apparent in your section is the apical "blebbing" of the secretory cells that was responsible for histologists originally designating these cells as "apocrine" secretory cells, although we now know the cells actually secrete in a MEROCRINE manner just like eccrine sweat glands. The function of the tonofibrils? 3. Be able to identify principal layers of the skin (epidermis, dermis and hypodermis) at the light microscope level and know the principal functions of each layer. Note also the increased cellularity (especially, the plasma cells) of the intralobular connective tissue. These plasma cells are the source of secretory IgA. 1. Be able to identify the histological components of the mammary gland, specifically the structures associated with the nipple and the areola, the overall organization into lobes and lobules, as well as secretory alveoli (acini), lactiferous ducts and sinuses and the intralobular and interlobular connective tissue. In many sections, portions of a large excretory, lactiferous duct slide 261 View Image are present. These cells secretes lipid-rich SEBUM by a HOLOCRINE mechanism. 5. Encyclopædia Britannica, Inc. Identify the true statement(s) about the tissue layer indicated by the black line. Access to the supplemental resources for this session is password-protected and restricted to University of Michigan students. Mammary glands are one of the most complex epidermal derivatives. Identify the true statement(s) about the cluster of cells enclosed by the yellow outline on the slide. None of the above statements are true - the yellow outline encloses secretory cells of a SEBACEOUS gland. Remember that there is a continuous process of cell migration and differentiation from the basal cell layer to the most superficial layer. Review the features of the epidermal-dermal junction. Numerous coiled eccrine sweat glands are located at the junction of dermis and hypodermis. Myoepithelial cells are what propel the secretory contents of the glands to the surface of the body. This layer is the RETICULAR LAYER of the dermis and consists primarily of a coarse network of type I collagen fibers (which is why the term "reticular" is used here). Note that the dense irregular connective tissue of the dermis is interrupted by numerous fascicles of smooth muscle slide 265 View Image that insert into the dermal connective tissue (much like arrector pili muscles). Be able to recognize Meissner's and Pacinian corpuscles. These glands produce a viscous secretion which acquires a distinctive odor as a result of bacterial decomposition. In this slide the structure of skin, especially the epidermis, is exaggerated in response to the continued stress and abrasion applied to the plantar surface of the foot. The human mammary gland contains 11–48 collecting ducts draining the lobes (labeled “gland lobules” here) of parenchymal tissue that are embedded in variably dense fibrous and adipose tissue. ID: 13170 Category: Labeled-Ovalle. ID: 48745 Title: Mammary Gland Category: Labeled-Hansen FC 3E ID: 39984 Title: Mammary Gland Category: Labeled-Hansen CA 2E ID: 37907 Title: Surface Anatomy: Female B… 290 Mammary gland View Virtual EM Slide The magnification of the microscope was set to ×20. These plasma cells are the source of secretory IgA. Note the presence of portions of hair follicles and sebaceous glands in the dermis. 3. Discover (and save!) Like the other tissues in the female reproductive system, alterations in circulating hormone levels result in histologically demonstrable changes in the mammary gland. Slide 265 Nipple, areola H&E View Virtual Slide. The inner layer are the actual ductal epithelial cells whereas the outer layer of cells is, in fact, a layer of myoepithelial cells. The slides are immediately immersed into the slide jar containing 95 percent ethanol. These muscle bundles are responsible for erection of the nipples. The inner layer are the actual ductal epithelial cells whereas the outer layer of cells is, in fact, a layer of myoepithelial cells. Many ducts appear to be composed of 2 layers of cuboidal epithelium. The epithelial lining is again two layered, the bottom layer being principally myoepithelium. The cells with brownish pigments are actually keratinocytes that have received melanin granules from the melanocytes by pigment donation. In most instances, you will not find complete pilosebaceous units in a single section, so a bit of mental reconstruction will be required. Be able to identify the layers of the epidermis in thick and thin skin and describe the major cellular events that take place in each layer in the process of keratinization. Note also that not all lobules within the gland have proliferated to the same degree. Observe the abundance of tonofibrils (= keratin intermediate filaments) and ribosomes and the small number of mitochondria. Slide 106 thick skin, sole of foot H&E View Virtual Slide, Slide 112 thick skin, sole of foot H&E View Virtual Slide, Slide 112N thick skin, sole of foot H&E View Virtual Slide.
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