resident evil 4 guida tesori Algee Smith Bio, Marito Rosanna Fratello, Età, Tabata Principianti Donne, Manolo Portanova Ingaggio, Paul Getty Iii Causa Morte, Alba Parietti Ezio Bosso, Morto A Cagliari Oggi, " /> Algee Smith Bio, Marito Rosanna Fratello, Età, Tabata Principianti Donne, Manolo Portanova Ingaggio, Paul Getty Iii Causa Morte, Alba Parietti Ezio Bosso, Morto A Cagliari Oggi, "/> Algee Smith Bio, Marito Rosanna Fratello, Età, Tabata Principianti Donne, Manolo Portanova Ingaggio, Paul Getty Iii Causa Morte, Alba Parietti Ezio Bosso, Morto A Cagliari Oggi, "/>

resident evil 4 guida tesori

Trucchi del gioco Resident Evil 4 (132) Elenco. In the sandy room after the spiked-ceiling trap, laying on the ground next to the wall roughly ten steps from the bottom of the stairs. A lamp with all the eyes set in its indentations. 13/14. On the table to the right by the first ganado. It that was published by BradyGames. So, without further delay, let's go treasure hunting! It may not be placed on any web site or otherwise distributed publicly without advance written permission. On the table in the first hut of the right path, after the cabin fight. Wikis. Finita la sessione filmata raccogliete tutti gli oggetti nella baracca, uscite e tornate alla barca. In a birdnest in the tree outside the chief's house, just before the small shack on the left. Country of origin: infine, io sono nel castello ed ho ritrovato ashley però nn so come scendere nella stanza dove c'è ashley,come si fa??? 60. 23. In Resident Evil 4, special agent Leon S. Kennedy is sent on a mission to rescue the kidnapped U.S. President’s daughter. Resident Evil Village Recensione: l'antologia dell'orrore secondo Capcom Abbiamo affrontato zombi, licantropi, vampire giganti e altri mostri, e … Q8. In the vase on the table against the wall, near the free rocket launcher. 1. 2. 8. If you have a question specifically pertaining to this guide. Q6. Other Information 3. Hidden in the upper window over the stairway in the hallway just after the Ada and Krauser cutscene at the start of the chapter. Please be advised that if you're playing Resident Evil 4 for the first time and using this guide while doing so, some descriptions of treasure locations will contain occasional spoilers. 57. In a box on the ground between a tree and the corner of the house (where Luis is being held captive). 23. After descending the rope at the waterfall, turn around and look up to find the spinel on the cliff wall. 4. Both of the velvet blues in this chapter are obtained while playing as Ashley. 22. 2 of 5. 33. 31. Shoot down the lamp over the tunnel entrance in the small building that leads to the church. 9. Se il video ti è piaciuto supporta il canale mettendo mi piace e lasciando un commento. 18. Immediately after dodging the rolling boulder, turn around and look up. The Resident Evil 4 Official Strategy Guide is a guidebook for Resident Evil 4. A9. Resident Evil Village nasconde moltissimi segreti, molti dei quali arrivano dalle famigerate nobili famiglie del villaggio. Proseguite sempre dritto e notate che la porta sulla destra è chiusa. Prima di raccogliere la gemma nel corridoio, spostatevi in prossimità della fonte che si trova in zona in compagnia di Ashley per poter accedere ad una zona di ricchi tesori. Climb out the upstairs window and walk around to the other side of the platform/roof peak. 1-1: At the farm, hanging above the basin next to the shack with the typewriter. 18. This guide may only be hosted at GameFAQs -, Privacy PolicyCookie SettingsDo Not Sell My InformationReport Ad. 70. 20. 4. Highlight a treasure in your inventory and choose the "combine" option. There are walkthroughs for that, as well as the message board. 6. BradyGames Una volta raccolto tutto, andate verso la doppia porta che dà verso il giardino. Nope, it just means you had less stuff to sell to make money for weapons and upgrades. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. Se il video ti è piaciuto supporta il canale mettendo mi piace e lasciando un commento. In the brazier (torch) hanging from the right side of the roof of the merchant's shack at the lake. In Resident Evil 5 potremo trovare tesori di ogni genere che ci aiuteranno, vendendoli nel negozio, ad incrementare il denaro per comprare armi e potenziamenti. If you liked this guide and just want to say so. In the barrel after climbing the ladder just after the swinging blades. 12. In the rubble at the spot that the first catapult destroys. Per adesso c'è una porta chiusa che non mi permette di tornarci, non è possibile ritornarci in qualche modo visto che devo recuperare un tesoro che ho dimenticato? 7. 16. 4-1: Dropped by the monk with the rocket launcher during the bridge fight, after exiting the tower, before the room with two garradors. Resident Evil 7 (RE 7) è un gioco affascinante e ricco di mistero è facile perdersi qualcosa o bloccarsi in certe aree, eccovi quindi una soluzione completa per completare il gioco al 100%. Serie principale. I will not respond to any mail I deem to be rude. If nothing happens, then you're combining the wrong items. 2-1: In a barrel on the roof of the merchant's hut in the cave at the lake. 2. On the ground on the right side of the watery pit, in the sewer with the two novistadors. 3-2: Dropped by the red-robed chanting monk, after exiting the sewer/cell area. On the table in the NE corner of the room where Ashley spins the dais. In the birdnest of the big tree at the start of the chapter, just before the first two ganados. Are you stupid or something? 3. Go write your own treasure guide if you don't like mine. Once you obtain it, it will be replaced with an "X". 24. 13. Things such as spinels, velvet blue's, etc. On the floor next to the table to your immediate left. Resident Evil 4 ab 17,23€ bei kaufen Anzeige Affiliate-Angebot Mystery T-Shirts (10er Pack) Sicher dir jetzt ein Mystery T-Shirt Pack mit coolen T-Shirts für deinen Kleiderschrank. In the drawer of the small cabinet to your immediate right, upon entering the room where the dais is. The spinel is in the torch on your immediate right. Aarrgghh! You must be playing on "easy" mode. On the cabinet to the right, a few feet into the dark hallway. Resident Evil Wiki is a FANDOM Games Community. Resident Evil 4 Treasure Guide For the GameCube, PC, Playstation 2 and Wii copyright 2007-2010 Santo Lofaso This guide may not be reproduced under any circumstances except for personal, private use. In a barrel by the locked door in the room between the dining room and the outside pathway (which leads to the fountain). In the cabinet in the last room at the end of the dark hallway, to the right of where you get the Salazar Family Insignia and Serpent Ornament. The easiest way to find all the various treasures is to buy each of the treasure maps from the merchant, as they become available (chapters 1-2, 3-1 and 5-1 are the earliest opportunities to buy the map for each of the three areas). 26. 4-1: In the second chest of the lava room, after destroying the fire-breathing dragon statue on the west side of the room. Shoot the lamp down to make it visible. 637 Pagine. Do not enter the shotgun house first. 66. Treasure locations are identified on the map with a star symbol. 1-2: Hanging above the basin next to the shack after climbing out of the well, just before the chief's house. 34. 55. Instead, proceed to the gate to the farm, otherwise he will not spawn. 73. On the tables of the two end huts in the El Gigante area. wii? Publication History A3. 2-3: Dropped by one of the Bella Sisters (female chainsaw maniac) on the left path. 36-45. In the barrel in the first tent on the right, in the pit below the zip line. In the vase next to the typewriter, just before riding the platform to the lava room. Please see the appropriate sections of the guide for specific locations. Esplora le wiki; Wiki della Community; Crea una wiki; Cerca Questa wiki Questa wiki Tutte le wiki | Accedi Non hai un account? On the ground near the gate to the castle, after getting off the gondola. Luis K.: For bringing spinel #73 to my attention! 75. Handguns are the bread and butter of Resident Evil 4, your main method of taking out the baddies, so choosing the one that's right for you is essential to your survival. 56. 3-2: In a chest in the SW part of the hedge maze. 76. I tesori sono in tutto 50 e vanno da un comune scarabeo a pietre preziose come diamanti e zaffiri. io vorrei tornare al villaggii, si può?? 17. In the barrel in the corner of the room where the Castle Gate Key is. In a barrel on the upper balcony of the room with the chanting monks, in the SW corner. Once I confirm the information, I'll add it and give you credit whenever I next update the guide. On the small cabinet to the right of the door, before entering the dark hallway. 1-2: On a shelf in a hidden nook, roughly in the center of the building where the dynamite ganados are, after the canyon area. This guide may not be reproduced under any circumstances except for personal, private use. 5. In a box in the room where you get the Queen's Grail. The "eyes" are not listed due to the fact that they are randomly dropped by the novistadors throughout the game. 13. When a number in parenthesis follows the name of a treasure, that indicates there is more than one of that type of treasure. A6. The NTSC PS2 version (which is what I played) is ported from the PAL GC version, so be sure to follow the PS2 treasure listings, not the GC. 31. Resident Evil Village uscirà il prossimo 7 maggio su PC, PS4, PS5, Xbox One e Xbox Series X/S. The gold bangle is in the chest. This section features a listing of all the treasures you can acquire in each chapter, roughly in the order in which you will/can find them. 58. At the farm, in a box in the small shack in the fenced-in area. In a barrel outside the door beyond the merchant (after the novistador hive room), just before crossing the bridge to the tower. In the GC version, the location of the green gem is switched with the location of the purple gem. Hanging over the door in the small passage filled with crows, just before the fountain. In order to make the game easier for said difficulty, certain places are off limits, which unfortunately means certain treasures will also be off limits. ciao, mi rivolgo a tutti quelli che hanno finito qst gioco, e a coloro ke cm me lo stanno finendo.... volevo sapere, una cosa abbastanza impegnativa da scrivere, ovvero tutti i tesori e gioelli,dove si trovano, e se vanno abbinati con qlk cosa, :welcome: a tutti...sono nuovo di questo forum e spero di non sbagliare sezione ma soppratutto di non mettere una guida doppia (anche se non l'ho trovata) Per chi ha Resident Evil 5 e vuole sbloccare l'Obiettivo o il trofeo (Trova tutti i tesori], qua di seguito spostero tutti i posti dove trovare i tesori! Cerca le fiamme blu e non sarai lontano dalla sicurezza! Categoria:Tesori di Resident Evil 4 | Resident Evil Wiki | Fandom. Jump across the chandeliers to reach it. You never know when you may need to spam your handgun. In the barrel on the right, at the top of the hill on the left, after destroying the truck. I'm playing the Gamecube version but some of the treasure locations are wrong, spinels in particular. After dodging the falling boulder and climbing the ladder into the next area, turn around and examine the crates to find the emerald. On the ground in some grass on the left, just before the first hut on the El Gigante path. If a treasure can be combined with other pieces, all values are listed. 22. 5-3: On the top of the arch in Saddler's throne room. A statue with all the stones fitted in it. 1. At the farm on the small overhang at the front of the cow shed. If I like it, I'll use it in the next update and give you credit for it. Sentirete qualcuno … After combining a treasure with certain items the description will change. In a barrel at the base of the stairs in the room after the spiked-ceiling trap room. The spinel is on the cliff wall. 5. 46. In the eye of the upside-down statue in the room after the water room. On the table in the second hut of the right path, after the cabin fight. How could you miss it? A mask with all the gem pieces fitted in it. At the farm on your way back to the village, it's on the ledge just across from the shack with the typewriter. Things such as spinels, velvet blues, etc. On top of the second pillar on the left along the pathway after exiting the military base area. 33. 11. Giochi Cinema TV. Publisher: Un … Version 1.3 / Ada 5-26-08: Added a missed spinel. Shoot the small stick holding the lid up, then shoot the BPW to knock it down. 59. Even with the help of the guide and the in-game treasure maps, I still am not completely sure where treasure X and spinel Y is. It is written under the assumption that you know how to play the game and manage your inventory, so please don't expect me to tell you to "shoot the birdnest" to collect a particular treasure, how to combine treasure items in your inventory, or other basic actions of that nature. Still stuck, eh? Under the first set of stairs in the area after descending the elevator behind Saddler's throne. 32. Separate Ways is a bonus game in Resident Evil 4 HD and in certain RE4 releases. 1-3: On the ceiling in the watery chamber of the tunnel leading to the church. Village:, Castle:, Island:, Separate Ways: Q3. Stand near the corner of the building to get the "grapple" prompt, then zip up to the roof. You're probably looking in the wrong spot. All trademarks and copyrights contained in this document are owned by their respective trademark and copyright holders. In a vase on the cabinet on the second level of the Salazar statue room (to the left of the statue when facing it). 3-1: On the upper part of a wall in the room where Salazar makes his intro. Once inside, turn left, break the wood slats on the window, hop over and proceed to the end of the path. No problem. Go up the small set of steps, turn around and look up towards the ceiling. However, thanks to my obsessive-compulsive nature, I've also included sections in this guide listing where every one of the spinels, velvet blues, and emeralds can be found! If I don't use it, please don't be mad. At the farm, hanging over the basin next to the shack with the typewriter. 12. Filtra per parola chiave: Parola chiave non inserita o non valida. Fear not though, because you can get a mix of eyes in 4-1 if you shoot down the large novistador hive hanging from the ceiling! Q9. A4. 4-1: In a chest on the outside ledge of the room with the novistador hive. Q11. On the table against the wall of the second level of the platform (with the second gun turret you use) to the south side of the ship. Resident Evil 4 Official Strategy Guide On the ground in the SE corner of the maze-like room in the underground mining area. Please see the appropriate sections of the guide for specific locations. Resident Evil 2 – Guida al Trofeo “Cacciatore di Tesori” Ogni gioco che si rispetti ha i suoi segreti Alessandra Borgonovo 1 Febbraio 2019 Guide , Guide PC , Guide PS4 , Guide Xbox One You have a limited opportunity in which you may be able to backtrack and get it, but in most cases, once you leave the area, your chances of being able to go back for something are gone. Q10. Wait a minute! In it, you play as Ada Wong as she goes through the events from the main game. 7. 3-2: In a chest on the upper balcony in the NE corner of the room with the chanting monks. 64/65. In the PAL versions of RE4, easy mode is available in addition to normal and professional. Is there any penalty at the end of the game if I didn't get all the treasures? The Resident Evil 4 Official Strategy Guide is a guidebook for Resident Evil 4. On the ground to the right immediately after the swinging blades. In the fourth pipe on the left in the sewer tunnel. 50. A8. 62. 3-4: In the chest in the last room at the end of dark hallway, where Ashley gets the Salazar Family Insignia and Serpent Ornament. Cercheremo di non fare spoiler nei limiti del possibile, ma in alcune sezioni sfortunatamente sarà inevitabile. Since key items cannot be sold, there's no need to worry. After getting the round insignia in the cave behind the waterfall, proceed forward through the door. 16. 10. On the ground at the grapple point in the room where Leon and Krauser are fighting. Updated approved hosting sites. Anything and everything that you pick up which is filed in the "Treasures" category of Leon's inventory can be sold at any time to any merchant. [ ] Spinel (3) [ ] Elegant Mask [ ] Green Gem [ ] Purple Gem [ ] Red Gem, [ ] Spinel (8) [ ] Brass Pocket Watch [ ] Ruby [ ] Gold Bangle [ ] Beerstein [ ] Green Catseye [ ] Red Catseye [ ] Yellow Catseye, [ ] Gold Bangle w/ Pearls [ ] Elegant Perfume Bottle [ ] Ruby [ ] Elegant Chessboard [ ] Spinel (1), [ ] Velvet Blue (4) [ ] Golden Lynx [ ] Green Stone of Judgment [ ] Red Stone of Faith [ ] Blue Stone of Treason, [ ] Velvet Blue (2) [ ] Blue Eye [ ] Red Eye [ ] Green Eye [ ] Butterfly Lamp. 9. After the "Mike dies" cutscene, turn around and the pillar will now be on your right. It's possible the PC or Wii versions changed or added something that I was unaware of. Qualcuno mi sa dire se dopo aver battuto il mostro del lago è possibile ritornare in quell'area? In a vase in the room where the second tram car ride ends. 53. Take your favorite fandoms with you and never miss a beat. 3. In the barrel at the bottom of the stairs at the start of the chapter. Made a few other minor corrections. Do I get anything extra at the end of the game for collecting every treasure? I don't know where the hell you're talking about! Kill the Bella Sisters, use the camp key to open the door in the pit, enter the shack to your immediate right. 21. On the table in the first hut in the El Gigante area after the church. What's the deal? In a vase on the cabinet to the right of the Saddler painting in the area above where Ashley is being held captive. Con Resident Evil Village, Capcom consegna ai posteri il perfetto erede sia di Resident Evil 7, sia dell'ormai classico Resident Evil 4, creando un figlio mostruoso (in senso positivo) che ha anche tanto di nuovo da dire oltre a portare con sé gli elementi migliori dei due capitoli sopracitati. In the briefcase at the end of the short pathway just outside and across from the entrance to the freezer room. On top of the pillar on the right, just around the bend in the "Mike dies" area. I played the U.S. Gamecube and Playstation 2 versions to gather my info. 24. 6. If you're worried about missing something, print the chapter checklist section and check off each treasure as you find it. Cerca. Can I go back for it? In the box on the upper shelf of the small shack on the upper level of the castle area with the catapults. The sole purpose of treasures is to sell them so that you have more money to buy/upgrade weapons and other items that the merchant sells. A7. 4. But spinels and velvet blues and emeralds aren't on the map! 34. None of the treasures are required for story progression at any point, so don't worry about accidentally selling something that you think you may need for a puzzle ("Key Items" are used to solve puzzles and those cannot be sold). In the first mine cart on the right, in the tunnel after the merchant at the start of the chapter. Please mention Resident Evil as the subject, otherwise I'll delete it on sight. In the torch just outside the hallway beyond the merchant, after the novistador hive room. In the drawer of the small cabinet on the right, after the crawlspace between the rooms with the monks. A13. i tesori di resident evil 4 salve a tutti, io ho dei tesori che non saprei che farmene e sono occhio di gatto giallo e lacrime viola, cosa servono, e la clessidra???? 11/12. In the village, on the table at the top of the tall tower. Since most areas don't have a proper name, certain plot elements needed to be used when identifying a particular area or location. 8. 3-2: In a chest in the sewer/cell area, in the room with the drainage valve. 19/20. On a crate under the platform you grapple up to, in the wreckage area after the ship. Iscriviti Crea una wiki. In the center of the canopy over the bed in the room at the start of the chapter. 47. 20-08-2005, 12:11:45 #2. emanolo. BenKS: For providing info regarding the Wii version! Version 1.0 7-01-07: Began new game to collect info. Version 1.1 8-27-07: Added a missed emerald. which there are multiples of, are listed in a group total per chapter. On the wagon in the El Gigante area after the church. 1 Contents 1.1 Introduction (p.3) 1.2 Character (pp.4-11) 1.3 Enemies (pp.12-19) 1.4 Weapons and Ammunition (pp.20-27) 1.5 Key Items and Treasures (pp.28-33) 1.6 Game System and Strategies (pp.34-47) 1.7 Walkthrough (pp.48-216) 1.8 Secrets and Bonuses (pp.217-223) 2 Sources On the ground just before grappling up to the walkway at the start of the chapter. In the fountain outside the castle, before the hedge maze. In a cabinet in the left corner of the room before the King's Grail room. 15. In a vase on the cabinet to your immediate right upon entering the water room. Why? In the eye of the deer head mounted on the wall in the room after the gallery. In the second barrel on the left upon entering the hedge maze. Yes. On the GC version, the location of the purple gem is switched with the location of the green gem. 7. In the fountain before the hedge maze. On the chests of two of the four statues in the hallway after the King and Queen's grail rooms. All spinel locations are separated by chapter, followed by a description of the exact location of each one. A few changes have been made since the various editions through multiple consoles from last gen, and we have the updates in this Wiki. A5. Please be patient. Treasures are not used for puzzle solutions, key items are. 10. 17. In a vase to the left of the small set of stairs, in the room where Salazar makes his introduction. Check the alphabetical listing in this guide to make sure you're using the correct items. 1. It's also possible that I missed something in the GC or PS2 versions. Resident Evil 4 può essere considerato il quinto episodio della saga della saga di Resident Evil, il quarto se non si conta lo spin-off Code Veronica, il terzo se non si conta Nemesis, il secondo se non si conta RE2 e il primo se non si conta manco Resident Evil. 5-4: On the crate at the base of the ladder in the area after Mike dies, just before the "Leon chokes Ada" cutscene. Q12. 72. 8. To ask for help regarding the main game. Resident Evil 4 - Soluzione completa - Pagina 2 di 5 - GameSource. It pays to be observant and check your surroundings carefully to ensure you don't miss anything. If you noticed an error and have specific info about a correction. © 2021 GAMESPOT, A RED VENTURES COMPANY. tesori resident evil 4 !?!?!?!? Cory K.: For bringing emerald #11 to my attention! By the gate at the west entrance to the village. Uh, how come I can't access certain areas in the game to get treasure X? A1. For further assistance, please refer to the awesome maps made by infoman80: Version 1.4 / Ada 1-04-10: Converted the guide to markup format. I have made an effort to be sure that any possible differences amongst the various platforms are identified, but if you should discover an error (regarding the PC or Wii specifically), feel free to contact me, following the guidelines in the Contact Info section at the end of the guide. 6. 49. Hanging from the brazier in the sandy room after the spiked-ceiling trap room. In the vase on the table next to the bed in the room at the start of the chapter. 35. On the ledge by the NE gate to the farm. Added a few new Q&A's. Updated credits. 32. Osservate la porta alla quale mancano i frammenti lunari, parlate con Salazar ed entrate nel … 27. 19. A12. 48,000: with the Royal Insignia and Crown Jewel. In the vase on the table on the right side of the hallway, after the room with the free rocket launcher and just before the merchant. 21. 2. A10. On a chair in the upper area of the room with two rocket launcher monks behind a painting. Again, I did my best, but if you can come up with a more accurate (and concise) description of the location, email me. [ ] Spinel (7) [ ] Ruby [ ] Pearl Pendant [ ] Beerstein [ ] Red Catseye, [ ] Spinel (1) [ ] Elegant Mask [ ] Brass Pocket Watch, [ ] Ruby [ ] Spinel (7) [ ] Elegant Headdress [ ] Green Catseye [ ] Antique Pipe [ ] Gold Bangle w/ Pearls, [ ] Green Gem [ ] Spinel (5) [ ] Amber Ring, [ ] Ruby [ ] Red Gem [ ] Spinel (4) [ ] Purple Gem [ ] Yellow Catseye [ ] Velvet Blue, [ ] Spinel (5 on PC/PS2, 7 on GC/Wii) [ ] Velvet Blue (5) [ ] Gold Bangle [ ] Purple Gem, [ ] Velvet Blue (9) [ ] Butterfly Lamp [ ] Spinel (13 on PC/PS2, 15 on GC/Wii) [ ] Illuminados Pendant [ ] Elegant Mask [ ] Red Gem, [ ] Spinel (4) [ ] Mirror w/ Pearls & Rubies [ ] Hourglass w/ gold decor [ ] Velvet Blue (1), [ ] Spinel (6) [ ] Velvet Blue (2) [ ] Gold Bangle, [ ] Elegant Perfume Bottle [ ] Velvet Blue (8) [ ] Illuminados Pendant [ ] Spinel (10) [ ] Elegant Chessboard [ ] Green Gem [ ] Butterfly Lamp [ ] Green Eye (4), Red Eye (3), Blue Eye (1) (from the novistador hive) [ ] Gold Bangle [ ] Crown [ ] Crown Jewel, [ ] Spinel (1) [ ] Velvet Blue (2) [ ] Royal Insignia, [ ] Spinel (5 on PC/PS2/Wii, 2 on GC) [ ] Velvet Blue (5) [ ] Staff of Royalty, [ ] Velvet Blue (1 on PC/PS2, 2 on GC/Wii) [ ] Spinel (2) [ ] Gold Bangle, [ ] Emerald (7) [ ] Golden Lynx [ ] Red Stone of Faith [ ] Brass Pocket Watch, [ ] Emerald (4) [ ] Elegant Headdress [ ] Blue Stone of Treason. 3-1: In a chest behind the small shack on the upper level of the outer castle area. Look to the right of the elevator, by the torch, for a small area to drop down into. United States. At the farm, in the cabinet on the first floor of the 2-story barn. 77. In a box on the upper cliff ledge, at the far end of the path at the start of the chapter. 71. 29. 52. In the first pipe on the left in the sewer tunnel. 9. Recensione di Resident Evil Village.Gioco per PC, PlayStation 5 e Xbox Series X, verrà rilasciato nel 2021. come trovare l'ultimo oggetto da unire alla maschera con cavità . 4-4: After the elevator ride when the red-robed monks jump down and attack, run along the platforms towards the next elevator. 1-3: Dropped by Dr. Sal outside of the chief's house at the start of the chapter. In the lower box on the shelf in the corner of the upper part of the "gold & platinum swords" room. Q1. In the explosive barrel in the barn where you fight Mendez. 5-1: In a box on the crate by the typewriter in the small room to the left just after the "garage door" room. 30. This guide was researched using the U.S Gamecube and PS2 versions and can be used for Resident Evil 4 on all four platforms (Gamecube, PC, Playstation 2, Wii). In a vase on the right pedestal in the room where the second tram car ride starts. 11. 25/26. On the ground in the NW corner of the maze-like room in the underground mining area. Q5. Betretet das Haus und macht Bekanntschaft mit eurem ersten Widersacher. I'm not wrong. After combining a treasure with certain items, the description will change. In a vase on the 3rd level of the first half of the Salazar statue room. invia un nuovo trucco . This is why it pays to thoroughly check every area for all items (not just treasure, but ammo and money, too). Vi ritroverete nella baracca vicino al lago: avrete perso conoscenza ma verrete chiamati da Hunniga. 1-1: Dropped by Dr. Salvador (chainsaw maniac) waiting by the gate to the farm. It that was published by BradyGames. 12. 15. Welcome!

Algee Smith Bio, Marito Rosanna Fratello, Età, Tabata Principianti Donne, Manolo Portanova Ingaggio, Paul Getty Iii Causa Morte, Alba Parietti Ezio Bosso, Morto A Cagliari Oggi,