He is just so subjective and just shits on the movie. A well directed fantasy film with great visuals that made it beautiful.Warcraft is an enjoyable fantasy film with an amazing lore and a with a great performance of the cast that made the film works.Critics are really harsh with this.It's a great video game movie that stands out from the rest. È ambientato nell' universo di Warcraft, creato da Blizzard Entertainment, ed è l' adattamento cinematografico di Warcraft: Orcs & Humans, videogioco del 1994 e primo della saga di Warcraft . Warcraft is een Amerikaanse epische fantasyfilm uit 2016, geregisseerd door Duncan Jones en gebaseerd op de Warcraft-games en afgeleide producten. No, Warcraft isn’t a ridiculous mess; it holds together on its own musclebound terms. However, I can see where the immersion and pacing could have suffered for those audience members whom knew nothing about the lore or world. There’s a terminal flimsiness, as if this virtually-derived world hasn’t quite assumed three dimensions. Da Wikipedia, l'enciclopedia libera. The film takes a long time to build dramatic momentum and gets interrupted by what seem like unnecessary plot points; some of them, perhaps, geared towards potential sequels. De film ging op 24 mei 2016 in Frankrijk in première. Ooit wel eens een Warcraft spel gespeeld, maar da's jaren geleden. Warcraft 3: Reforged. Notable Video Game Releases: New and Upcoming. The Warcraft hardcore can rejoice. However, the plot was a little more twisted which made Warcraft movie unique on its own. The 41 worst video game movies of all time, ranked. i read the critic reviews after watched movie and frankly i was shocked, i can understand why some people wouldn't like it, being that it is a little geeky and all, but no way no how does this movie deserve the low rating that the critics gave it. 50. And since the latest iteration of game series that inspired it, World of Warcraft, already peaked years ago, even the timing is off. The film takes a long time to build dramatic momentum and gets interrupted by what seem like unnecessary plot points; some of them, perhaps, geared towards potential sequels. Paula Patton, playing a half-orc, half-human female warrior, is the most sympathetic character and actually gives something approaching a fully fledged performance, but for the rest of it … ugliness as far as the eye can see. А если уже почитали и сомневаетесь - так познакомитесь вкратце с миром варкрафта перед просмотром фильма - это улучшит его восприятие и все встанет на свои места. Повторюсь еще раз - не слушайте и не читайте рецензии критиков, не портите заранее себе впечатление о фильме! No, Warcraft isn’t a ridiculous mess; it holds together on its own musclebound terms. The line between hack work and labor of love may be perilously thin, but you can sense the difference in the way Jones earnestly, wholeheartedly embraces the magic that powers this realm. But even a messy fight for nuance is better than an apathetic sell-out. Dat bleek na de eerste scene al fout, want die zegt eigenlijk genoeg. We rank this summer's highest-grossing films by Metascore. While there are some acceptable action sequences, it’s the screenplay — complicated by some less than inspired performances — that dooms “Warcraft” at every point along the way. This loud, bombastic, often incoherent mishmash of magical-themed storytelling simply was not worth whatever effort went into it. This movie is amazing, don't listen to the critics, i really don't get why they are doing this with this movie. Warcraft is crafted for the enjoyment of its video game fans. This movie broke the video game movie curse with style. From opposing sides, two heroes are set on a collision course that will decide the fate of their family, their people and their home. Please enter your birth date to watch this video: You are not allowed to view this material at this time. WarCraft surprised me even though I am a WarCraft fan. Share. From Sonic the Hedgehog to Mortal Kombat and Warcraft, these are the films that give the phrase "video game movie" a bad rap. And it offers a bit more complexity than some other nonstop action flicks adapted from video games. It's a knock-down, drag-out fight between storytelling, franchise-making, and fan service, and some casualties were inevitable. Longtime World of Warcraft players should and likely will storm the cineplex gates, burn the castle down, and salt the earth (and screenwriters) from whence this abomination sprung. Warcraft 3: Reforged does not have a critic score on Metacritic at the time of this writing, but fans have been busy writing their own user reviews on the site. Directed by Duncan Jones. As a portal opens to connect the two worlds, one army faces destruction and the other faces extinction. What's onscreen is a godawful mess, leaving the actors to suck wind while the film collapses around them. This is truly a depressing experience. Народ, не смотрите на оценки критиков, ибо нынче они просто напросто зажрались! Director Duncan Jones, a self-professed Warcraft fan, has clearly put a lot of love and care into fleshing out a story, but it’s questionable whether it was ever really merited. Copy link. I’m also hoping that the game is more emotionally engaging — or at least, you know, fun — than the movie I just saw. Народ, не смотрите на оценки критиков, ибо нынче они просто напросто зажрались! It feels rude not to compliment the hard work of the makeup, costume, production design, and visual effects teams. Фильм ШИКАРЕН! Just go see it by yourself. © 2021 METACRITIC, A RED VENTURES COMPANY. Over 5,600 Metacritic users have voted, and the results are in. Four years have passed since the aftermath of Warcraft III: Reign of Chaos, and a great tension now smolders throughout the ravaged world of Azeroth. Total Film Kevin Harley. At once empty and impenetrable, this brings to mind a mix of John Carter and Dungeons And Dragons, regrettably in both themes and level of enjoyment. GoodBadFlicks reviews the long awaited adaptation of one of the most enduring video game franchises. Quelle idée d'adapter une licence de jeux de merde au cinéma... avec des jeux de merde, ça ne peut donner qu'un film de merde, c'est pas compliqué à comprendre. In the single-player campaign, players revisit the war-torn world of Azeroth. So begins a spectacular saga of power and sacrifice in which war has many faces, and everyone fights for something. The movie delivered same fun, action and amazing VFX that it appears like you’re really in the game. All of which is irrelevant and mostly false. Features that were removed from original Warcraft 3 with the launch of Reforged - Automated Tournaments - Clans - Profiles - Ladder - 3D animated campaign backgrounds - 3D animated portraits in Battle.net - /slash commands in Battle.net chat - Communal channels listing - Custom Campaigns - Battle.net News section Plus they killed classic, against peoples will. Maar toch had ik links en rechts wat aardige dingen over deze film gehoord, dus alsnog een kans gegeven. Same for a couple of the other reviews. This is the first video game movie i really liked, and i'm not a gamer. The total absence of originality here is notable, but it needn’t have been a problem: with a tighter plot, a touch of humour and some peppier, less slab-fisted action scenes this might actually have worked – a kind of Guardians of the Galaxy meets Lord of the Rings. I actually thought this film would be bad. Two days ago I wrote a story about how players of Warcraft 3: Reforged were disappointed with the final release, and were channeling their anger into review bombing the game on Metacritic. Probably the best way to experience Warcraft, a generally amusing and sometimes visually arresting absurdity, is stoned. Summary: The Frozen Throne provides gamers with a vast new chapter in the epic Warcraft saga. Tap to unmute. They went in to this film wanting to hate it. Что мне - фанату варкрафта во всех его ипостасиях, что моей жене - не знакомой с миром варкрафтом вообще - фильм очень понравился. Just because you can come up with names such as Azeroth, Durotan, Orgrim, and Grommash Hellscream doesn't mean you're J.R.R. So good at making the most outlandish elements of his first two films seem completely credible, Jones can’t find a way to get this cartoony spectacle to soar. It’s rare to feel such pity for a major studio movie, but watching Warcraft bend over backwards to set up a sequel is like watching a desperate paramedic apply CPR to someone who’s clearly been dead for hours. If you've never played the game, you might as well watch the movie stoned. The Playlist Russ Fischer. Warcraft - L'inizio. Aw, man, I was hoping that since the Warcraft lore/storyline has diverged and soft-rebooted/revamped multiple times since WC3 (with many fans saying if WC4 ever gets made WoW, or some of its later expansions, should be completely disregarded), they'd take the MCU route and simplify/modify the story a bit to work better for films. Warcraft provides the shell of a great fantasy adventure saga but never effectively goes beyond that. A well directed fantasy film with great visuals that made it beautiful.Warcraft is an enjoyable fantasy film with an amazing lore and a with a great performance of the cast that made the film works.Critics are really harsh with this.It's a great video game movie that stands out from the rest. Rather, it’s a simpler, yet still wholly entertaining tale of magic and larger-than-life soldiers in a battle for survival. It’s all so plodding and grim, echoed by the blandly percussive score by Ramin Djawadi. No, Warcraft isn’t a ridiculous mess; it holds together on its own musclebound terms. According to the relevant style guide, this should not be changed without broad consensus. It neither tries to be jokey nor undercuts itself by being unintentionally funny. The 28 Biggest Summer Blockbusters of 2016, Ranked From Worst to Best. Что мне - фанату варкрафта во всех его ипостасиях, что моей жене - не знакомой с миром варкрафтом вообще - фильм очень понравился. 't Is ook niet echt m'n ding, zowel qua gameplay als qua setting. It’s rare to feel such pity for a major studio movie, but watching Warcraft bend over backwards to set up a sequel is like watching a desperate paramedic apply CPR to someone who’s clearly been dead for hours. Find out... Music title data, credits, and images provided by, Movie title data, credits, and poster art provided by. It neither tries to be jokey nor undercuts itself by being unintentionally funny. 28.7m members in the gaming community. However, I can. It seems to me these guys are just rushing to get clicks on their articles, or came into the movie already hating it without context. Legendary Pictures already has the next WOW entry in development according to Daniel Ritchman. This is truly a depressing experience. A subreddit for (almost) anything related to games - video games, board games, card … The acting is so primal that you’ll swear a porn sequence is about to break out. It’s a real movie, just not a good one. If watching the big screen through a cannabis cloud isn’t your idea of a good movie time, though, I suggest that you do what I did and just go with the incoherent flow. It feels rude not to compliment the hard work of the makeup, costume, production design, and visual effects teams. It neither tries to be jokey nor undercuts itself by being unintentionally funny. Фильм ШИКАРЕН! Warcraft errs in how much it asks the audience to juggle, and as a result, the things that the film does well (and I think there are many) are muffled somewhat. Warcraft may provide grand, thunderous spectacle as it transforms human actors into hulking Orcs, but when trying to perform the alchemy of transmuting genre archetypes into characters with soul, the magic fizzles out. But wasn’t the game good for that already? Tolkien, people. Tasked with brokering a peace between event-sized thrills, gaming lore and high fantasy, Jones embraces Warcraft’s world with laudable commitment: but when it comes to charging it with life, sheer bulk gets the better of him. Warcraft wins by not trying to be the second coming of a 10-hour cinematic trip through Mordor with Hobbits and jewelry. Het verhaal vertelt hoe de strijd tussen de mensen en orks in de franchise ontstond. As an Orc horde invades the planet Azeroth using a magic portal, a few human heroes and dissenting Orcs must attempt to stop the true evil behind this war. And it offers a bit more complexity than some other nonstop action flicks adapted from video games. I also saw some of the complaints that people couldn't keep track of the characters (being that i've never really played any warcraft games aside from warcraft 2 a little) i could understand this complaint, however even so, even with a little confusion as to who was married to who and related which way, everything mostly narrows down in the end, and ultimately i understood everything and really enjoyed the movie. Having had played warcraft reign of chaos and frozen throne, I was able to follow along well enough to understand where the direction of the film was taking me. The pristine setting never meshes with Jones’s efforts to give emotional reality to his army of characters, who cannot escape their tropes: leader, hero, warrior woman, mystic. Info. If your a fan of the universe its really enjoyable. Watching this bloated mélange of derivative fantasy tropes unfold is akin to being forced to follow the efforts of a particularly ham-fisted gamer, with the viewer being jerked back and forth across countless busy CGI landscapes by a plot that's utterly predictable when it isn't confusing. Having had played warcraft reign of chaos and frozen throne, I was able to follow along well enough to understand where the direction of the film was taking me. Warcraft errs in how much it asks the audience to juggle, and as a result, the things that the film does well (and I think there are many) are muffled somewhat. World Of Warcraft: Ranking Every Expansion Pack From Worst To Best, According To Metacritic. Единственно что немного огорчает это то, что сюжет в фильме бежит не останавливаясь на разъяснения. Thats pretty much the sole thing thats dividing the audience. The House in Fata Morgana - Dreams of the Revenants Edition -. Jones slaves to make something of the material, and to his credit, or rather his profoundly large cast and crew’s credit, the craft is certainly visible in Warcraft. Но здесь все понятно - дядьки, решившие, что их видение картины лучше, чем у режиссера и считавшие, что лучше знают, что хочет видеть народ - несчадно порезали ту составляющую фильма, которая объясняет в подробностях все происходящее в картине. Several months have passed since Archimonde and the Burning Legion were defeated at the battle of Mount Hyjal, yet a new threat. Your Metascore Predictions for 30 Summer Movies. Check box if your review contains spoilers, The peaceful realm of Azeroth stands on the brink of war as its civilization faces a fearsome race of invaders: Orc warriors fleeing their dying home to colonize another. There are suggestions below for improving the article. Tasked with brokering a peace between event-sized thrills, gaming lore and high fantasy, Jones embraces Warcraft’s world with laudable commitment: but when it comes to charging it with life, sheer bulk gets the better of him. It aims to match the mythic gravitas of “The Lord of the Rings” — even throwing in a nod to the Book of Exodus for good measure — and the results fall paint-by-numbers flat. Internet Turns On Blizzard, Warcraft Reforged Now Lowest User-Rated High-Profile Game On Metacritic. There are stretches of tedium in this lumpy and derivative mythology, to be sure. As the battle-worn races begin to rebuild their shattered kingdoms, new threats, both ancient and ominous, arise to plague the world once again. With Travis Fimmel, Paula Patton, Ben Foster, Dominic Cooper. Preview February's most anticipated theatrical releases, including Black... DVD/Blu-ray Release Calendar: September 2016. You may not particularly enjoy Warcraft, but you kind of have to admire the audacity of its existence. The ambition is laudible, but it's to little end. Shop more products from warcraft on Storenvy, the home of independent small businesses all over the ... (Metacritic 32/100) in spite of the fact that the fans appear to have reacted well (7.7 in IMDb). Warcraft - L'inizio ( Warcraft) è un film del 2016 diretto da Duncan Jones. If you’ve loved the game, you might appreciate the visuals cooked up for this fantasy universe. Everyone else can move along. Отсюда и негативные отзывы от людей, не знакомых с лором (миром варкрафта). Ну или, в крайнем случае, дождитесь режиссерской версии картины, от просмотра которой, я уверен, все получат огромное удовольствие! The movie is character-driven every step of the way. I'd love to see a sequel, but am fearful due to the overwhelmingly negative critic response. The House in Fata Morgana - Dreams of the Revenants Edition -. Enjoy an epic saga retold with over four hours of reshot cutscenes and updated voice-overs that breathe new life into the earliest renditions of Azeroth's key characters, across more than 60 single-player missions that span Kalimdor, Northrend, Lordaeron, and beyond. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. There’s not much to see here. Vast Campaigns Relive the events of Warcraft III: Reign of Chaos and The Frozen Throne. Watch later. If your a fan of the universe its really enjoyable. Proceed with caution to "Warcraft," but there is entertainment to be found here. Imagine “Battlefield Earth” without the verve and you get this sludgy, tedious fantasy adventure, a fun-starved dud that’s not even unintentionally hilarious. It’s a real movie, just not a good one. The result? Сходите сами и посмотрите картину. The film holds a critics rating of 29% on Rotten Tomatoes, up from a one-time low of 16%, while Metacritic's weighted assessment of critical opinion gives the film 32/100, indicating "Generally Unfavorable Reviews". 25 votes, 70 comments. It’s soulless, incoherent, Renaissance Faire hooey. It's barely "Dungeons & Dragons.". Best of 2018: Film Awards and Nominations, Music title data, credits, and images provided by, Movie title data, credits, and poster art provided by. I was bored out of my skull, pretty much start to finish, from the “Lord of the Rings” opening to the Old Testament/Moses Afloat finale. The performances of Travis Fimmel, Toby Kebbell and Paula Patton as the warrior Lothar, the orc hero Durotan and the half-orc/half-woman Garona, all awakening to the evil forces around them, are meaty enough to hold attention. Credit: Blizzard. Maybe they're right, maybe the movie does suck, but they are being VERY harsh. Warcraft does benefit from impressive visual effects, but they do lose a bit of flare when the action sequences are filmed just like any other generic war film. Единственно что немного огорчает это то, что сюжет в фильме бежит. In spite of these deficiencies — the narrative wildness, the static characters, the impenetrable lore — Warcraft is still not entirely a failure, most of all because of its charming, almost admirable level of goofy conviction. Blizzard's World of Warcraft has been a staple of the MMO scene since 2004. And it offers a bit more complexity than some other nonstop action flicks adapted from video games. Warcraft (film) was a Media and drama good articles nominee, but did not meet the good article criteria at the time. Me, I’m going to chill out and download 1982’s top-notch "The Sword and the Sorcerer.". The peaceful realm of Azeroth stands on the brink of war as its civilization faces a fearsome race of invaders: Orc warriors fleeing their dying home to colonize another. This is not "Lord of the Rings." In short, Warcraft is the most wearying kind of bad movie, a dull and sad one that's less engaging a watch than just seeing the studio's millions run bill by bill through a shredder for two hours. The performances of Travis Fimmel, Toby Kebbell and Paula Patton as the warrior Lothar, the orc hero Durotan and the half-orc/half-woman Garona, all awakening to the evil forces around them, are meaty enough to hold attention. I was bored out of my skull, pretty much start to finish, from the “Lord of the Rings” opening to the Old Testament/Moses Afloat finale. Like most other video game movies I thought this was going to be a massive flop and just suck. Jones slaves to make something of the material, and to his credit, or rather his profoundly large cast and crew’s credit, the craft is certainly visible in Warcraft. Because that thing was a dour mess. Warcraft (2016) on IMDb: Movies, TV, Celebs, and more... As an Orc horde invades the planet Azeroth using a magic portal, a few human heroes and dissenting Orcs must attempt to stop the true evil behind this war. Anno 2016 is de gamereeks Warcraft alweer tweeëntwintig jaar oud, hoewel het echte succes pas in 2004 begon met de release van de 'massively multiplayer online role-playing game' World of Warcraft. It’s a real movie, … A new World of Warcraft movie is reportedly in the works and that’s good news for fans of the series. i read the critic reviews after watched movie and frankly i was shocked, i can understand why some people wouldn't like it, being that it is a little geeky and all, but no way no how does this movie deserve the low rating that the critics gave it. His heartfelt approach to the material only underlines the silliness. © 2021 METACRITIC, A RED VENTURES COMPANY. From opposing sides, two heroes are set on a collision course that. Shopping. There’s nary an honorable death that resonates, although we do get some creative visual perspectives on enthusiastically digitized brutality. But there are also immersive IMAX 3-D backdrops, striking ambiguities and irresistible moments of straight-faced lunacy. Surtout quand le scénar pue le nanar avec en plus beaucoup de préoccupations du vivre_ensemble et son angélisme forcené qui va avec... Warcraft: Travis Fimmel On His Character 'Lothar', Warcraft: Durotan And Orgrim Discuss Siding With The Humans, Warcraft: Toby Kebbell On His Character 'Durotan', Warcraft: Stuart Fenegan On The Appeal Of The Movie, Warcraft: Rob Kazinsky On His Character 'Orgrim', Warcraft: King Llane Asks Garona To Help Them, Warcraft: Medivh Finds Khadgar Snooping In The Library, Warcraft: Durotan Character Profile (Featurette), Warcraft: Garona Character Profile (Featurette), Warcraft: Chris Metzen Reactions To World Coming To Life (Featurette), Warcraft: Paula Patton On Her Character 'Garona', Warcraft: Lothar And His Soldiers Are Attacked By Orcs In The Woods, Warcraft: Jon Jashni On The Appeal Of The Project, Warcraft: Protect TV Spot (International), Warcraft: Alex Gartner On VFX Superviser Bill Westenhofer, Warcraft: Duncan Jones On What Appealed To Him About The Project, Warcraft: Charles Roven On The Script And Duncan Jones' Involvement, Warcraft: Ben Schnetzer On 'Khadgar's' Backstory, Warcraft: Ben Foster On His Character And Role As 'Medivh', Warcraft: Gul'dan Character Profile (Featurette), Warcraft: Karazhan Library Set Tour With Gavin Bocquet (Featurette), Warcraft: Lions Pride Inn Set Tour With Gavin Bocquet (Featurette), Warcraft: Gul'dan-The Invader (Featurette), Warcraft: Lothar-The Warrior (Featurette), Warcraft: Khadgar-The Seeker (Featurette), Warcraft: Draka-The Protector (Featurette), Warcraft: Weapons Walkthrough With Jimmy Chow (Featurette), Warcraft: Orcs Discuss Fel (Deleted Scene), Warcraft: Medivh-The Guardian (Featurette), Warcraft: Rob Kazinsky Tours Lions Pride Inn (Featurette), Warcraft: Rob Kazinsky Tours War Room (Featurette), Warcraft: Orgrim The Defiant (Featurette), Warcraft: Khadgar Character Profile (Featurette), Warcraft: Lothar Character Profile (Featurette), Warcraft: Garona The Survivor (Featurette), Warcraft: Costume Walkthrough With Mayes Rubeo (Featurette), Warcraft: The Village Walkthrough With Bill Westenhofer (Featurette), Warcraft: Rob Kazinsky Tours Throne Room (Featurette), Warcraft: Director's Vision: Duncan Jones (Featurette), Notable Video Game Releases: New and Upcoming. The dialogue is so earnest that its lack of humor becomes a source of humor in itself. Directed by Duncan Jones. It's certainly more absorbing than the lazily assembled "Alice Through the Looking Glass," because Jones' exertion and drive behind the film is palpable, if a bit sweaty. Well, Warcraft: Reforged is the worst game ever, I suppose. If there are sequels WarCraft could easily be this generations equivalent of The Lord of the Rings. That’s why, even if the world created by Jones and his talented design collaborators, both old-school physical and cutting-edge digital, isn’t seamlessly believable so much as staggeringly crafted, it casts a spell. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. “Warcraft” the MMORPG game which has been popular among online gamers for decades, with its intelligent storyline and powerful characters has took a new turn when Warcraft movie released on 2016. If you’ve loved the game, you might appreciate the visuals cooked up for this fantasy universe. The latest comedic animated film produced by Phil Lord and Christopher Miller streams Friday on Netflix. Metacritic. As a portal opens to connect the two worlds, one army faces destruction and the other faces extinction. Thats pretty much the sole thing thats dividing the audience. Surtout quand le scénar pue le nanar avec en plus beaucoup de préoccupations du vivre_ensemble et son angélisme forcené qui va. Quelle idée d'adapter une licence de jeux de merde au cinéma... avec des jeux de merde, ça ne peut donner qu'un film de merde, c'est pas compliqué à comprendre. This is much more like the bad fantasy of the 1980s and 1990s than the better brand we have recently become accustomed to. I also saw some of the complaints that. Watch Warcraft Online Full Movie 2016 sold by warcraft. Definitively establishing that “state-of-the-art” and “chintzy” are not mutually exclusive qualities, Warcraft is a perplexing multiplex boondoggle: Rarely is so much time, money, and cutting-edge technology expended on a spectacle so devoid of wonder.
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